Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] that [pron] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In ( 36 ) the adjective former does not qualify the properties , as such , implied by the use of the word king ; the sentence does not mention any entity that has characteristics formerly typical of kings — such as regarding oneself as the owner of one 's subjects , perhaps , or believing that one is of divine lineage .
2 It has attempted to climb above the condom in the fresher 's priorities list and announced that it is considering giving students a significant voice in the pay rises of their lecturers .
3 And yet we know the conditions under which the sequence was written and notice how fragile it is , how much a willed order , and how dependent upon a bravura performance — and suspect that it is from these elements that the permanent value of the poetry springs .
4 I think Sussex has got to find a new , new hat , and got to express itself and demonstrate that it is in no sense relying on twenty five years of erm of erm fairly high reputation that the next twenty five years and the next twenty five years after that are just as challenging , perhaps even more so .
5 If the person taking the blood sample is asked for what purpose it is being taken and replies that it is for an HIV antibody test , a person who does not wish an HIV antibody test to be done should expressly say so , and should also ask for this refusal to be entered in their medical records .
6 You move closer , and find that someone is at the bottom of a deep pit .
7 Miss T. being an adult , it is doubtful whether we have power to make a restraining order of the kind which is often made in the case of children whose medical treatment is in issue before the courts , but I hope and believe that it is in any event unnecessary .
8 ‘ We talk about him a lot and feel that he 's with us .
9 More recently , it appears , she has accepted that his government has ceased to exist but she remains deeply hostile to the U.S.C. , and in particular Mr. Mahdi , who are equally hostile to her , and contends that there is at present no government of the Republic of Somalia .
10 If it can raise a vast amount of capital — £1.8 billion — and believes that it is worth while to do so , surely it is possible for British Rail to commit the £100 million that is needed to electrify the main line .
11 If the person whose liberty is interfered with does not know that the person who constrains him is a constable and believes that he is under attack , he will have the defence that , since he acted in self defence , he committed no assault .
12 Another is that of a broker/dealer department advising customer A to purchase shares in company B when the corporate finance department is acting for B and knows that it is on the verge of insolvency .
13 Returning to the example given earlier of the broker/dealer department advising customer A to purchase shares in company B when the corporate finance department is advising B and knows that it is on the verge of insolvency , the question arises as to what the firm must divulge to A in order to modify its duty of undivided loyalty to A to the extent necessary to permit it to withhold the information about B.
14 He has taken Serafin 's measure and knows that he is on top of the situation .
15 Give a child a piece of paper to hold and say that he is to be sure not to let anyone interfere with it .
16 Naturally you will not want to make any commitment until you are certain that there is no chance he will change his mind and discover that it is after all you he loves .
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