Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Participants are invited to bring kites or make one in the on-site kite workshop .
2 SUPPOSE you have a print by Picasso , Dali , Miro or Chagall , or sold one in the past few years : you have a special interest in a Brooklyn courtroom this week .
3 But there is always room for more and the Managing Director of the Resource Centre , Sr Anna Doherty would like to hear from any individuals , groups , clubs or organisations interested in organising an event or contributing anything to the general fun of the weekend .
4 Erm I I I must say I have n't read or heard anything about the British Gas thing .
5 From being a comprehensive Weltanschauung , in which there were to be found , according to Gramsci , all the elements that are needed for the construction of a new ‘ integral civilization ’ , it has come to be regarded by many thinkers as a much more limited and tentative body of thought , which is far from being able to predict , in any detail or with any certainty , the future development of society , or to offer anything but the roughest of guides to political action .
6 But there could be more trouble if the king does not open up the political system or do something about the great disparities of wealth .
7 If Alison Watt , poor little sausage , had measured the Queen Mum from ear to ear , and got everything in the right place in the same picture , people would probably tell her she was a genius .
8 It looked round for an ally , and found one in the old hereditary enemy , Austria-Hungary .
9 Prentice reached up and put something on the thin collar of Rory 's shirt .
10 Now that we have looked at Wharram Percy deserted village and seen something of the 30-year long excavations there , we should look at other studies and excavations on village sites which seem to suggest the same developments implied at Wharram Percy .
11 This is neither brash , spotty punk nor controlled smoothly executed musicianship but a careful balance which utilises the expertise of the latter and loses none of the instantaneous excitement of the former .
12 can if you want , in the it 's not that far to go around and use one for the whole day .
13 It appeared to be feeding normally and showed none of the obvious signs of illness .
14 Remember you can not receive a confrontation and give one at the same time .
15 ‘ And yet to have been there and heard none of the holy words which we should naturally have listened for from those lips at such a time — how distressing ! ’
16 City failed to produce one worthwhile shot and owed everything to the extraordinary reflexes of their goalkeeper .
17 The parents had to be able to present a full defence , he said , and if the whole case had been heard in Inverness , it would have been almost impossible to fully safeguard their interests and get everybody in the right place at the right time .
18 He ran his gloved hand up across Alexei 's shoulder , and pulled something from the stiff material of the embroidered coat .
19 McIntyre was able to drive her almost as fast to windward as the 50-footers and lost nothing on the downwind legs .
20 The aim of this chapter is to explore the nature of RMI , and to understand something about the key elements ( information , cultural change ) .
21 This concept of individual timetables enables us to get away from the focus on the family or household as an undifferentiated unit , and to understand something of the complex patterns which evolve when individuals ' lives are woven together over the period of their lifetimes .
22 After all , I was more of an outsider there than at home , being out of my milieu and having none of the social graces or advantages of my fellow-pupils .
23 I had to be told which character was Chaplin ; he was so old and looked nothing like the silent comic I knew so well .
24 They all agreed it was better to make steps on the eroded paths scarring Beinn Eighe and keep everyone on the one track .
25 Each of the Moi carried a long-bladed machete which had been dubbed a coupe-code in Annam , and taking one from the nearest tribesman , the Senator bent over the dead buffalo .
26 Many did so think , and fear ; and saw nothing in the religious experience — or that to which it pointed — of the last decade and a half to cause them to think otherwise .
27 Mr Litmus was quite certain he had n't and knew none of the other teachers had either .
28 For a moment unguarded amusement tugged at the stern line of that mouth , and lit something in the haunting depth of those eyes .
29 albacete have lost one and won one since the last time i mailed .
30 We had tea and discussed everything except the two things that interested me : the fact that I was in love with her daughter , and the fact that her husband had run off with a schoolgirl .
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