Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [Wh det] it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The statement praised the intifada and President Saddam Hussein of Iraq , and attacked what it described as " American imperialism and its ally , the Zionist entity " , " the Damascus regime and the Arab Gulf regimes " , and " the Iranian regime " .
2 Central to the manifesto is the party 's commitments to increase education provision and halt what it sees as the erosion of social services in the county .
3 Peters and Austin ( 1986 ) use the image of the leader as ‘ chief salesperson ’ where leadership is involved in creating an image of the organisation and symbolising what it stands for .
4 Even when their attitude to chastity is positive and enriching , they are still made to feel that they are less than normal and lacking what it takes to be fully developed human beings .
5 Celia had known Alan 's blood-group , and knew what it meant regarding Donna .
6 The most dangerous of all the spiders is the black widow , a small species that is common throughout America and which responds to vibrations of its web by rushing out and biting what it considers to be its next meal .
7 The Chamber of Deputies was now beginning to use its power of the purse to scrutinise the foreign ministry and its doings and to attack what it saw as inefficiency and conservatism there .
8 nearly thirty years ago , erm , we used to sell the old glass bowl fitting on er three chains , hanging from the ceiling and that , and I used to buy those in a crate of about fifty at a time , and er most of the houses had two lighting points in the lounge anyway so , and they 'd always wanted a pair and we used to have them in the shop on a display so that about eight of them could all be lit up at once and people could see them and if they did n't like those then the , we could always put another one under the set if we 'd got one in a certain colour , we could hang one of those up and er they could look at that and see what it looked like .
9 Give the children a simple message and ask them to pass it along and see what it becomes at the end .
10 Anyway , I was living in Boston at the time , but I was in a studio in Oslo and saw a Lexicon there , noticed that the company was in Boston and said , ‘ Can you put it on the guitar and see what it sounds like ? ’
11 Just have a , have a scribble and see what it looks like .
12 We 'll try it and see what it looks like .
13 Add add N over ten to that side and add N over ten to that side , okay if you want to tidy it up and see what it comes to .
14 Okay that 's a good guess or as you said Kelly you could just use your , your fraction here as and mark it off cos you know that 's a third or you could measure the angle on the fraction and see what it comes to oh yes
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