Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [that] it [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Political ’ pop need n't put text before textures , need n't deliver messages or manifestoes , or imagine that it can recreate ‘ community ’ , ‘ roots ’ or ‘ pride ’ ( as do senior ambassadors like Tracy Chapman , Elvis Costello and U2 ) .
2 It will help the body to quickly recover from any stretching , bruising or damage that it may have sustained .
3 Like many other colleges and educational establishments , Gateshead college is worried about that trend and thinks that it will increase in the future , particularly if nothing is done .
4 Misunderstanding and lack of trust — People do not understand its implications and perceive that it might cost them more than they will gain .
5 The Iraqi government offered to co-operate in return for the lifting of economic sanctions and announced that it would send a mission to New York to discuss this with the UN Security Council on March 10 .
6 After the collapse of Farrow as well as of two major banks in Victoria , the state 's Labor government arranged a line of credit to support other building societies with short-term liquidity problems and announced that it would reform the state 's banking laws to improve protection for depositors .
7 However , the government has now bowed to pressure and announced that it would act as ‘ insurer of last resort ’ for terrorist bomb damage on the British mainland .
8 The Japanese government , along with the Japanese business sector , gave NAFTA a cool response and announced that it would ask the GATT secretariat to examine the treaty to ensure that it was in accord with multilateral trade rules .
9 The first duty of the conqueror , he wrote , ‘ is to maintain his domination and to assure that it will last ; everything is good which has the effect of consolidating and guaranteeing it , everything is bad that may weaken or compromise it ’ .
10 While many hoteliers get upset because successive governments appear to ignore the industry 's needs and say that it can look after itself , he regards that as a compliment .
11 per annum in West Yorkshire , how can a Minister stand in the House and say that it will keep West Yorkshire 154 police officers under strength this year and next year ?
12 It also asks customers to refrain from talking to the press about Pentium-based machines or product prices until May 20 and warns that it might cut off supplies of the new chip to transgressors .
13 It is not enough , of course , simply to call something a ‘ myth ‘ and hope that it will go away .
14 Not all sentences are interesting , relevant , or suitable ; one can not just put any sentence after another and hope that it will mean something .
15 The best we can do is to make a close study of code switching and hope that it will provide an overall framework for understanding how the two perceived varieties , Creole and English , interact in conversation .
16 The survey was mainly restricted to the exterior of the Lancaster and estimated that it would take 2,000 man hours to bring R5868 up to exhibition standards externally .
17 C Will agreed to put this in hand , and estimated that it would take about two months to complete .
18 Donald Brash , the governor of the Reserve Bank , suggested that it gave scope for easing monetary controls and predicted that it would result in lower interest rates .
19 Hong Kong officials described the accord as a " major breakthrough " and predicted that it would take between two and three years to clear the camps .
20 UNITA concluded its seventh congress on March 17 , having re-elected Jonas Savimbi as its president , and stated that it would sign a ceasefire agreement as soon as a date was set for multiparty elections .
21 Reaffirmed its support for the Palestine Liberation Organisation as the ‘ sole legitimate representative ’ of the Palestinian people and stated that it should play a full role in a UN conference to negotiate a settlement to the Middle East conflict .
22 Among such factions as may exist in a constituency party one is likely to be dominant , and to imagine that it would consent to the nomination of candidates not numbered among its adherents is scarcely realistic .
23 One such school had immediately offered places and declared that it would abide by any access restrictions laid upon it .
24 She remembered how huge she had thought the Longhills ' kitchen on her arrival in Nordale , and reckoned that it would have fitted into a corner of this one .
25 International relief efforts were hindered by the regime 's pro-Iraqi stand on the Gulf crisis , its initial refusal to recognise the gravity of the famine , and fears that it would obstruct the distribution of food , especially to non-Moslem regions in the south where the war with the SPLA was at its height .
26 A few people got terribly carried away , leaping up to voice their guilt at John being kidnapped and saying that it should have been them .
27 ‘ I thought about it and decided that it would have been very awkward both for my father and everyone else , not least myself .
28 Molly remembered the child in pantaloons and decided that it must have been bought by Sandra and not Buck Kettering .
29 Tawney called it ‘ a barbarity ’ , ‘ an abomination ’ and insisted that it should go .
30 Many teachers were unsure that they would get much out of the appraisal and felt that it would change little , especially in the light of probable cuts in spending in education .
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