Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [that] [pron] would have " in BNC.

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1 On the left-hand column write any idea or feeling that you would have that you would not communicate for whatever reason .
2 Outside he stopped and realised that he would have to make his own way back .
3 I descended the stairs half-naked to one of the yelling bedrooms and announced that I would have to leave .
4 The playgroup leasers support this petition and say that they would have a valuable role preparing the children for nursery education , feeling that the children at four plus need more than the s playgroup can offer .
5 She had not had a chance to mention it to Charlotte Hanover before their … their contretemps of the other night , and assumed that he would have the decency to realize that she would not , in any case , want him to accompany her now .
6 All 10,000 students were expelled ( and told that they would have to apply for readmission ) and the Students ' Representative Council was suspended .
7 She remembered how huge she had thought the Longhills ' kitchen on her arrival in Nordale , and reckoned that it would have fitted into a corner of this one .
8 ‘ I thought about it and decided that it would have been very awkward both for my father and everyone else , not least myself .
9 He was left in financial difficulties and knew that he would have to sell his home and most of his land to settle his affairs .
10 Patricia Shroeder , Democrat chair of the House armed services military installations and facilities subcommittee , described the list as " disappointing " , and suggested that it would have a minimal impact on the level of US forces in Europe — currently around 300,000 .
11 You did not have to rush and worry that it would have disappeared by the time you caught up with it .
12 Dave breathed a sigh of relief but realised that he would have to prepare himself for another day .
13 The summit communiqué " welcome[d] trends in Iran to improve and develop its relations with GCC member states " but noted that there would have to be " serious work to settle differences " .
14 She would like to have asked them , but knew that it would have been impossibly presumptuous .
15 The judges discharged the costs order made against the wives for the High Court hearing , but said that they would have to meet the council 's bill for the appeal .
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