Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [not/n't] [verb] that it " in BNC.

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1 Things were pretty bad in Northern Ireland as well , and do n't forget that it was the middle of the Cold War and everyone was dead scared about the nuclear weapons and … never mind .
2 And do n't think that it is n't a temptation .
3 It seems that the admission need not be an express one and that if , for instance , a plaintiff has pleaded a relevant conviction and the defendant admits it and does not claim that it was erroneous or irrelevant , the plaintiff should get his interim payment .
4 The original observation that an extract containing prostaglandins lowered blood pressure was a good reason for further investigation , but did not mean that it would lead to an agent for treating high blood pressure .
5 There is also a marked convenience element in the use of the product , Respondents , typically Stated that cotton wool is : " economical " or " works out cheaper " , but did not say that it is more convenient than washing and reusing facial flannels or cloths .
6 In all his writings from hiding he had increasingly found a brave and defiant secular voice : one that recognised a ‘ God-shaped hole ’ in life , but did not doubt that it could be filled by art , literature and imagination .
7 ( 3 ) If the party tendering the document did what was reasonably sufficient to give the other party notice of the conditions , and if the other party knew that there was writing or printing on the document , but did not know that it contained conditions , then the conditions will become the terms of the contract between them .
8 He says that he 'd heard the plane flying around , but did n't realise that it had crashed , until the police sealed off the farm .
9 He says that he 'd heard the plane flying around , but did n't realise that it had crashed , until the police sealed off the farm .
10 This would allow us to say that the cat believes the ball is stuck but does not understand that it is .
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