Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 This is not , in fact , a problem , since LIFESPAN provides the tools for creating other DCs as the need arises and attaching them to the same package .
2 Then the door of the Earl 's hall slowly yielded , and his father carried him in and laid him on the same bales .
3 And Glenn Close 's stubborn and pain-ridden performance as Sunny makes you sad for her and hate her at the same time .
4 Crosland had realized ‘ the impossibility , as he saw it , of a Labour Secretary of State taking institutions from urban local education authorities which were predominantly controlled by Labour , and bringing them under the same regime as the universities ’ .
5 This enabled us to calculate the ratio of cortex to ganglion cells for the region enclosed within the labelled sites and to compare it with the same ratio obtained for the rest of the retina .
6 The operation of the wheel is unusual , being a variation on the overshot type in which water falls on to the top of the wheel and turns it in the same direction as the water 's flow .
7 Linguists belonging to the Prague School by and large conflate the two structures and combine them in the same description .
8 Here you are trying to have your cake and eat it at the same time …
9 I want you to love and desire me with the same degree of passion that Lucia loved and desired my namesake .
10 She recalled his saying , ‘ I want you to love and desire me with the same degree of passion that Lucia loved and desired my namesake . ’
11 I needed to come up with a solution which avoided this overly defined focal point and used it at the same time .
12 erm as regards correlating things together and bunging them into the same factor analysis model and stuff like that er even if the questions are a bit different I think you can still do that legitimately because it 's still sort of expressing the strength of opinion on some sort of scale erm so I do n't see that that 'll er interfere with the ambitions you 've got as regards the data erm so er
13 With a less diversified business , the likelihood grows that , while he is satisfied with the service he gets , he will keep his business , at least for a period , with the same insurer , and place it through the same broker .
14 If you or I were to mix mud and water and place it in the same position it would fall off .
15 ‘ You 're sending it and keeping it at the same time ? ’
16 They were watching her intently , with a look that disconcerted her and excited her at the same time .
17 Kohl described the military regime of former president Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte as a " dictatorship " and compared it to the former East German regime headed by Erich Honecker ( whose request for political asylum in Chile had recently been rejected ) .
18 All the other times were just a way of reminding myself of the realities and provoking you at the same time .
19 His writing , prose and poetry demanded rigorous attention , and received it with the same daily routine that he had established earlier : three pages a day , writing and rewriting , creative and self-critical .
20 If I forgive you for being male and cruel and unreasonable , you must forgive me for being female and for carrying another man 's child and wanting you at the same time .
21 ‘ She collected all the patients ' false teeth last night — and put them into the same bowl !
22 Cover the tubes with muslin , held in place by two rubber bands , and put them in the same warm place as the stocks .
23 Look at it and then erm measured it I did I d and then I redid this one and put it in the same scale ,
24 Other examples in the Renaissance include the malcontent who haunts the very power structure which has alienated him , seeking reinscription within it but at the same time demystifying it , operating within and subverting it at the same time ; the revengers whose actions constitute an even more violent bid for reinscription within the very society which has alienated and dispossessed them ; the assertive women , the ‘ women on top ’ described by Natalie Zemon Davis who simultaneously appropriate , exploit , and undermine masculine discourse .
25 A qualified instructor will demonstrate how to use equipment properly , how to get the best from your body and enjoy it at the same time .
26 Now this er of course was railway waggons and er when you started work you was put with a skilled man and i er it was his job to repair the waggons and teach you at the same time .
27 This they have plainly not been able to do and yet they still try and bounce us along the same old route through their friends in the media .
28 All the time Frodo and Sam are spinning another , and doing it with the same chronological overlapping .
29 I needed more of the thinner timber , but I ca n't fetch , chop and feed it at the same time . ’
30 Everything seemed to be changing , and this excited and worried her at the same time : she thought about it so much that her face had a permanently screwed up , wondering look .
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