Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Thus hearing a word , or producing it in response to an incomplete definition , will not prime visual word recognition .
2 comments you could consider entering it or part of it in one of the many fiction competitions or submitting it in total to a which takes fiction .
3 On ( or soon after ) Oswine 's death Oswiu 's nephew Oethelwald , son of Oswald , secured the kingship in Deira ( HE 111 , 23 ) ( see Appendix , Figs 6.2 and 7.1 ) , though whether appointed to this position by Oswiu or acquiring it in opposition to his uncle is unknown .
4 Prisoners may be left locked in their cells for longer , because there is not the staff to supervise out-of-cell activities or to escort them from place to place .
5 A change of position may help to minimise this , such as raising the head or turning them from side to side .
6 If no list has been registered , or the persons named have died , or ceased to reside in Great Britain , or refuse to accept service on the company 's behalf or for any reason can not be served , a document may be served on the company by leaving it at , or sending it by post to , any place of business established by the company in Great Britain .
7 Some teachers saw them simply as points for discussion and considered themselves free to accept or reject them without prejudice to their professional future in the LEA .
8 What about a chess-playing machine , programmed to examine the board and then ‘ imagine ’ thousands of possible moves and evaluate them in relation to each other ?
9 Alternatively , a specially approved security carrier company may collect cash and bulk it before paying-in to Cash Centres ( the Bulk Cash Deposit Scheme ) .
10 Edward II particularly profited from the almost unctuous service of Pope Clement V : he it was who absolved the king from Archbishop Winchelsey 's curses and from his own various oaths ; it was Clement who appointed Reynolds , the king 's chaplain and treasurer , to Worcester and translated him to Canterbury to the exclusion of the eminently qualified capitular candidate , Thomas de Cobham ; above all , Clement alleviated Edward 's poverty with papal subsidies .
11 They then searched Mrs Roche and , having found nothing , took her into custody , and conveyed her by tram to the Police Station , where she was released on bail .
12 Er I 've done the slips and given them to Margaret to be .
13 You decide to leap over the convent wall and hightail it to England to a new life , and you have the wit to do it on early closing day . ’
14 Some of these royal gifts presented the warden with a formidable task : in December 1238 the sheriff of Essex and Richard de Munfichet , warden of the forest of Essex , were ordered to take alive in the forest 120 bucks and does for the Count of Flanders , put them in cages , and transport them in carts to the Thames , where Raymond Ruffus , a yeoman of the king , was to have a ship ready to take them to Flanders .
15 He rushed forward to the battery box , loosened the terminal caps and moved them from side to side .
16 In addition , we will pay the reasonable cost , where necessary , of taking your motor cycle to the nearest suitable repairer and returning it after repair to your address as shown on the schedule .
17 In addition , we will pay the reasonable cost , where necessary , of taking your caravan to the nearest suitable repairer and returning it after repair to your address as shown on the schedule .
18 Well , the national secretary 's national officers are of course accountable to the C E C , they are accountable to congress , the introduction of section conferences means that they have another , an additional level of accountability , which does n't replace the accountability to the C E C or to Congress , but supplements it and subjects them of course to a closer scrutiny and a closer contact with the major activists in a whole sector of employment .
19 He began to note down suitable thoughts and epigrams on pieces of office copy-paper , not really with the intention of learning them off by heart , but with the idea that he might put them in his jacket pocket and touch them from time to time during the programme to give himself reassurance , knowing that if the worst really came to the worst he could take them out and refresh his memory .
20 While policing may involve social control , lawyers ' work is that of translators , taking everyday problems defined by clients and resolving them by reference to the body of legal discourse , a reference which may , of course , involve considerable creative elaboration .
21 In the early nineteenth century , Lamartine stayed with the Damiani family in Jaffa and mentioned them in Voyage to the Orient , the same book in which he advertised the colonial possibilities of Palestine .
22 He took a chestnut from the pan and bounced it from hand to hand as he turned cheerily to enquire after Mrs Frere 's welfare .
23 A soluble form of this protein could bind to the virus and prevent it from binding to human T cells .
24 Every month , Asmar 's secretary would take the Sunboat from Jounieh to Larnaca to collect the payroll from Coleman for distribution within the network , each cell member then signing his cheques and counter-signing them on presentation to a Lebanese bank for payment .
25 After hearing the evidence the justices announced that they found him guilty , but on hearing of his previous convictions they decided that they would not deal with the case and committed him for trial to quarter sessions .
26 The miners in the colliery retreated before the flood of dark brown slurry which was advancing through the underground roads and filling them from floor to roof .
27 After that , the Cypriot police would take them out to the airport and put them on flights to Frankfurt , where the bag-switch routine used by ‘ legitimate ’ smugglers was employed to bypass the airport 's security arrangements and load the ‘ dirty suitcases on to trans-Atlantic flights .
28 Yes and the kids can drop round and see her from time to time .
29 That can mean only that the common agricultural policy is to be reformed in such a way as to take money from the United Kingdom and give it for cohesion to countries outside .
30 To fulfil the last of these conditions , the owner may allow viewing by appointment and lend it on request to public collections on short-term loan , in which case the item is entered on the register of conditionally exempt objects , known as the ‘ V & A list' , which is available to the public .
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