Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [noun pl] [conj] [am/are] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Built into most policy development over the past four decades , even anti-sexist and anti-racist initiatives , has been the assumption that girls and black pupils are ‘ problems ’ ; that they either have problems or pose problems that are different from other groups of pupils .
2 President Clinton 's plans to bolster US industry — particularly the high tech sector , begin to look disturbingly corporatist , and the chief executive of the Baby Bells ' Bell Communications Research , George Heilmeier , seems to feel the same way : he told Reuter that the government should certainly spur industry to construct a national information highway but it should not build it itself : ‘ I do n't think the public sector should operate or control networks that are commercial , ’ he said , ‘ I am not in favour of the government building the national information infrastructure . ’
3 With 43 recommendations , the report , which took four months to prepare , admits that ‘ a free society requires the freedom to say or print things that are inconvenient to those in authority , whether they be members of the Royal Family , ministers , MPs , local councillors or public officials ’ .
4 Promise carrots we ca n't deliver , or use threats that are destructive and cruel .
5 Driving piles or draining soils that are likely to liquefy if a hit-or-miss proposition , according to engineers at Ove Arup .
6 Business systems are highly complex and involve processes that are heterogeneous and multidimensional … .
7 President of the Board of Trade Michael Heseltine denied Tory MPs were looking for a new leader , saying : ‘ We know that so long as we keep our nerve and pursue policies that are important we can come through .
8 More research is needed to improve the amount and quality of information on the relationship between reproductive patterns and maternal health ; to assess whether and how women in developing and developed countries are differentially affected ; and to separate effects that are social and economic , from those relating to medical care and technology and from those due to the biological factors of age , parity and inter-birth interval .
9 It may be at a , at a truly rational level we can all perfectly well do all kinds of other things rationally on a truly rational level , because there we have this this er high degree of that comes with rationality , but at a deeper , kind of gut level , the emotional feelings we , we find that it 's , it 's much more difficult , and at that point if you do n't try and change things and do things that are unnatural , you find you 're kind of going against the emotional grain and er perhaps some people find it easier than others , but perhaps everybody will feel a certain erm tug as it were , certain erm discomfort or a certain emotional alienation from themselves which er perhaps is because we 're trying to do something more basic we just were n't designed for .
10 When you are working on curved designs you should try to sort through your material and choose stems that are curved , as they will give a much more natural effect than if you have to use entirely straight pieces and encourage them to curl .
11 When deciding your goals , you need to keep in mind your level of fitness and choose goals that are realistic .
12 IBM Corp has at last woken up to the fact that to remain competitive in the personal computer business , it is necessary constantly to add new models , and in the US , the company yesterday added new 80486-based PS/1 models based on chips ranging from the 25MHz 80486SX to the 66MHz 80486DX2 ; they come in desktop and minitower configurations and are available now at prices expected to go from $1,200 to $3,000 ; they are upgradable to the Pentium .
13 It LOOKS like an ordinary card , but has differences that are invisible to the naked eye .
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