Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] [noun] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They are largely caused by a lack of knowledge or understanding in chambers where no ground rules are laid down .
2 6 IN THE EVENT of the Publisher being involved in or threatened with legal proceedings arising from the publication of the Work , the Authors agree to provide such assistance as may be requested by the Publisher PROVIDED THAT the Publisher shall provide the Authors with a satisfactory indemnity as to costs whenever assistance is required for proceedings brought or threatened in circumstances where the Publisher is unable to recover under the warranty and indemnity in clause 5 .
3 If the information is accidentally overheard or intercepted in circumstances where the owner of the information utters it or transmits it by insecure means ( for example , by telling someone in a crowded room or by transmitting the information by a public telecommunications system ) an obligation of confidence might not be imposed on the person obtaining the information in this manner .
4 And the fact that I say that a lot of these accidents happen because perhaps you 're not paying the attention , very often I 've been or know of situations where the bloke is really paying attention to what he 's doing and the still the unfortunate occurs .
5 Give a detailed oral account of an event , or something that has been learned in the classroom , or explain with reasons why a particular course of action has been taken .
6 The eldest brother , Edward , left School arid went on to Brasenose College , Oxford , and became in time both an eminent physician and Professor of Music at Gresham College .
7 There they would gather about the old cathedral and sing and dance till midnight when the bells would herald in the New Year .
8 On the 30th April 1991 , a familiar day-to-day sight within the Army 's Central Ordnance Depot at Donnington disappeared and passed into history when the Railway Detachment RCT closed down .
9 Hew Leyshon , convertibles specialist at James Capel , believes a portfolio yielding a good 30 p.c. more than the market average can easily be constructed , keeping away from most speculative issues and sticking to stocks where the underlying business is undoubtedly strong .
10 No NATO general could have organised the strategy so well , for what general can recognise and know by name over a thousand of his troops — even when masked ?
11 From the ages of nine or ten they distributed magazines and helped to hand out the Sunday School " tickets " , picture cards of birds or flowers with a short text from the Bible .
12 So , two years ago , she left her hometown of Thunderbay on the shores of Lake Superior and came to Britain where the prospect of finding outlets for her pictures are slightly brighter .
13 So , two years ago , she left her hometown of Thunderbay on the shores of Lake Superior and came to Britain where the prospect of finding outlets for her pictures are slightly brighter .
14 Because of Sub-Committee E 's special remit to scrutinize the vires of any Community proposal , any document which shows that there is doubt or controversy over the appropriate legal base will be identified and sifted to E. About a quarter of all documents are sifted to a sub-committee and the remainder , when the sift is endorsed by the full Select Committee at its next meeting , are cleared .
15 Children combed the shoreline for strong shells which the women would sharpen and affix to spears twice the height of a man .
16 Athelstan watched the hospitaller suddenly stir and noticed with alarm how the knight now grasped one of his gloves in his hand .
17 All the emerging nations ( at least nominally ) acknowledged the spiritual authority of the Roman pope ; the church was seen as the divinely instituted ark of salvation , riding the storms of the world and history , and mediating to men both the infallible truth of God and the sacramental means of grace as guide and nourishment to their souls upon the pilgrimage to the life beyond ; and theology was regarded — and not only by theologians — as ‘ the queen of the sciences ’ , the supreme intellectual discipline .
18 Thus much of the ‘ business ’ is taken out of worship , without numbers to be announced , places to be found , rustling of papers and shutting of books when the music is finished .
19 The yard was still noisy with jangling harness and talk at dusk when the women had gone and the bracket-torches below the fiery sky to the west glowed like running water dyed red .
20 Leave Quebec and continue to Montreal where a brief city tour introduces you to Old Montreal and the French Quarter .
21 All-male groups subject to a resistant collection of small stable harems led by assertive young adults may become relatively nomadic and move to areas where the population cycle is in a different phase and contains larger and less stable harems .
22 You 've been glad enough to have a doctor coming to see you every day — you , John , with your head broken … or you , George , sick and shaking with fever only a few hours ago .
23 Such affirmations can be written down and left in places where a person knows he or she will regularly come across them .
24 He was nabbed by a new British Rail patrol waging war on fare-dodgers and had to fork out an on-the-spot £10 fine .
25 ‘ I do n't see how I could leave Harry with Karen and come to London twice a week . ’
26 But then they can go away and sing in places where no one works with them and very quickly their talent can become spoilt .
27 The best-known is Les Grands Sables , over a mile long and backed by cliffs where the gorse-bushes were explosions of butter-yellow fireworks .
28 It needs time to regain its normal elasticity and reduce in size so a period of loose stools is often desirable .
29 This decision was subsequently approved by the Court of Appeal , but limited to cases where the assets comprised in both charges are the same , and it appears that a general floating charge on the whole of the undertaking may be postponed to a subsequent floating charge on a particular class of assets where the first charge contemplates the creation of the later charge .
30 But Durkheim , Eliot noted , did not attribute the origin of religion to wonder or to speculation , but saw in mythology only the savage 's attempt to rationalize and justify his religious practices , ‘ in regard to the true origin of which he is as much in the dark as the scientific investigator ’ .
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