Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [conj] [pron] must have " in BNC.

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1 For police warrants , normal methods of investigation must have been tried and failed and there must have been good reason to believe that interception would result in a conviction .
2 Although Mr Cross was perturbed at his strange encounter , he dismissed his consternation and decided that she must have been a village girl who had watched the train and then returned home .
3 Emerging once more into the glare , she put a hand to her throbbing head , and decided that she must have a cup of tea .
4 Molly remembered the child in pantaloons and decided that it must have been bought by Sandra and not Buck Kettering .
5 I lifted the receiver and listened and it must have been the expression on my face which stopped him in the doorway .
6 Here I apologised to JTR and learned that he must have been a very tall man .
7 When the guard learned what had happened , he simply laughed and said that it must have been old Humphrey .
8 The excavator , David Neal , could not explain this as merely for domestic use and concluded that it must have had a public function .
9 She thought of Jonathan , but decided that she must have been too angry and hurt , because she could only manage to summon up the blurriest of images of him .
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