Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , they should not be over-used or applied anywhere near the face .
2 Acyclovir given intravenously , orally or applied directly at the site of infection can accelerate healing and restrict the spread and recurrence of many herpes infections ( British Medical Journal , 1982 , vol 285 , p 1223 . ) .
3 The most important finding is that bFGF given parenterally or applied directly to the mucosa enhanced the healing of acetic acid induced gastric ulcerations and augmented the healing activity of sucralfate .
5 Land that is cultivated or grazed intensively near the croft is often referred to as inbye to distinguish it from common grazings and more distant fields .
6 Assuming that there is a perfect capital market , so that the individual can borrow or lend freely at an interest rate r ( about which he has confident expectations ) , a person 's expected lifetime discounted income is measured by , where W u and M u are expected wage income and capital receipts at time u , and P u denotes the survival probability .
7 Helpers approaching have sometimes been bitten or attacked wildly in the delirium that follows and which may last as long as twelve tormented hours .
8 This involves getting the aircraft into an attitude with the tail-wheel or skid just off the ground .
9 To let herself out of the back she 'd either have to clamber over the seats or squeeze out of a window , and because of the shape of the doors the windows did n't even open all the way .
10 Hormone replacement therapy consists of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone taken daily to help replace those lost or produced erratically at the menopause .
11 If you work out how much you would have spent in the bar , clubbing or eating out over the weekend and subtract it from the cost of the trip it all seems cheaper than ever .
12 Usually , carrying out a search creates a new list of files , but you can choose either to add to the list found so far , or to search only in the list that has already been selected .
13 Almost all locomotive firemen were slaves , either hired from slave masters or owned directly by the railroad companies .
14 He could of course have taken the easy option and given himself up , or laid up along the coast somewhere until the advancing Eighth Army caught up with him .
15 Agnes stood directly in front of her mother now as she said , ‘ Would it do you any harm either to go down into the shop or to go over to the house and change the linen ?
16 After deciding we like a band , we would consider whether to make singles with an option for an album , or to go straight for an album .
17 He seemed to have escaped before she had and so she made her way out of the court alone , trying to decide whether to lunch in the tea room upstairs or to go out to a restaurant .
18 There is no transport on the island , and to walk in perfect quiet along the little narrow roads , discovering wayside temples and little shrines ; meet a crowd of smiling , noisy children coming out of school ; or to go back to the quayside where fish , vegetables , cheap jewellery , sunglasses , cooked food , hot snacks were all being sold in the open air ; all this was a blissful change from the hectic atmosphere of the city .
19 Occasionally he will get in early to see the morning shift or stay late for the night shift .
20 On the other hand , if debt and warrants are issued simultaneously and the warrants can be cancelled or redeemed independently of the debt , the two components should be accounted for separately .
21 We called it shacking [ feeding on the corn that had been shacked or shaken out of the ear during harvest ] .
22 Behaviour can help or hinder just like a hammer that can be used to construct or destroy .
23 It also tells us whether the unknown letter is a single segment letter , or made up from a combination of two segments .
24 If you are using brick slips to cover a large arch in the same room , the soffit can be nailed below the arch , but set back about 25mm higher , or made flush with the arch , so that brick slips can be stuck around the face , or both face and soffit , to match the main arch .
25 They are designated by local authorities which must then pay special attention to any applications to demolish or build anew within the area 's boundaries .
26 ‘ So there was no need to have anything highly scented or smelling strongly on the table , ’ said Henry at once .
27 Terrorists and other criminals must not be allowed to escape justice or to retire abroad with the proceeds of their crime .
28 The extreme elaboration of the proceedings is intended to emphasize that , in contrast to the kind of marriage which can be entered into or broken off on the spur of the moment , this is a contract which is intended to endure .
29 The plaintiffs gathered information as to the results of horse races from various courses and transmitted that information to subscribers on terms that it should be used only in the newspaper or posted only in the club , newsroom , office or other place to which it was delivered .
30 The same is done when religion is reduced to ethics , or treated simply as a movement within history , to be explained and defended , or even proved , by historical research and demonstration .
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