Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] all [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He had accused , judged , and branded her all in the space of a few seconds .
2 And they couldn't 've well for example with taxation , they could 've erm not taxed the rich peasants at all and then just put all their erm their sort of focus upon the poor peasants and got their income through them and also with land , they could 've just not given any land to poor peasants who were inefficient and given it all to the rich peasants and really gone for a capitalist state .
3 As you do it the third time , bend your fingers down and place them all under the band .
4 As I was recovering , Hannah , the housekeeper , came to sit with me , and told me all about the family .
5 When we reached Dunkil we could have done two things , we could have said to the Bible class , We had a marvellous journey up and told them all about the glory of God as we saw him in the mountains , or we could have said , We almost had an accident on our way up here .
6 I sat down in Dad 's chair and told him all about the old lady and her brother , or at least what I knew , which was n't much .
7 So I thought about what had happened to me and to people I knew , and put it all in the book .
8 destroyed all mine and put it all in the , I mean lipsticks ten quid a time or whatever , seven quid a time , so I went through and Mary had a she got this moisture , oh I thought what does this mean , she said it 's for removing lines , I thought right we 'll have a sample this
9 and welcome us all to the animal show .
10 And then er so our Emma said , Oh well if you 're not do n't want do n't want these to come she said alright and she said she all the invitations and threw them all on the fire .
11 Robyn swallowed and glanced out at the pouring rain , glanced at him , at the carved , arrogant profile that irked and thrilled her all at the same time and then at the rain again .
12 ANDREW SMITH 'S TIP : After spawning is complete the male gathers all the eggs together and compacts them all into the size of a hazelnut , where they begin to turn yellow then grey and finally black when the fry hatch out .
13 Do come and tell me all about the latest fashions in London . ’
14 The only advantage of birthdays is getting presents and , even there , we might follow the example of one or two cultures , and have them all on the same day .
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