Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They are collaborating on integrating the software into the distributed architecture of HaL 's systems and say they will extend Motif for mission-critical applications .
2 Banks made provisions of up to around 70% against total third-world loans , and assumed they would get tax relief as if they had actually lost money .
3 The term ‘ violence ’ includes conduct intended to cause physical harm and conduct which might cause harm ( such as throwing a missile towards someone ) ; and , for the two most serious offences of riot and violent disorder , ‘ violence ’ bears an extended meaning which includes violent conduct towards property .
4 On the other hand , Bull is promising a multiprocessing version of AIX in the third quarter and says it 'll have multiprocessor boxes in the fourth quarter .
5 The National Farmers Union backs the setaside scheme … and says it can help wildlife :
6 I think this is clearly Miller 's main use for the character of Alfieri and he tries to make this more realistic by making Alfieri a lawyer though I do not think that this is done very well as Alfieri does not say anything which would justify him being a lawyer as all Eddie asks him are things he would have asked anyone though perhaps he asked him because he was a ‘ lawyer ’ and he respected this and knew he would get confidentiality .
7 He felt he had said them before , and thought he could sense death sniffing at his shoulder , as he had that day on the Red Mountain .
8 The wise man back in Proverbs in chapter twenty eight and verse thirteen he says , he who conceals his transgression will not prosper but he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion .
9 The Maguire family expressed disappointment at the appeal court 's decision and said they would seek justice from Sir John May , when he reconvened his inquiry in September .
10 IRAN yesterday demanded the extradition of demonstrators who ransacked several of its embassies on Sunday , including the mission in London , and said it would claim compensation from Western governments for damage to its property .
11 Allen already holds a 24.9% stake in the company , and said he might seek representation on the board and also might buy additional shares , adding that America Online 's adoption of a shareholder rights plan to fend off hostile takeovers , has caused him to reconsider his position as a passive investor in the firm .
12 In his acceptance speech , he called on industrialised countries to take steps to reduce worldwide demand for cocaine , he also ruled out pardons for drug traffickers , and said he 'd maintain extradition agreements .
13 Remember that if your Orc units panic and flee they will spread panic amongst your other Orcs and Goblins , whereas Orcs will ignore fleeing Goblins altogether .
14 We understood his need to feel that he was special , that someone was looking after him , and wished he could draw strength from us , rather than locking himself in his fantasies .
15 She concentrated on her driving and wished she could stop thinking of William .
16 If you rent your TV and video you can save money by suspending or even cancelling your contract for the period you are away .
17 Making a sound in his throat , he turned his head away , then said , ‘ Funny thing , but neither am I ; yet I 've had to get used to it ; ’ and on this he went out , leaving Millie looking at the big fat woman and feeling she must make conversation : ‘ It 's a beautiful morning , ’ she said .
18 wonder why you — But mibbe I should thank ma
19 Henry 's replies were equally blunt ; he offered help but said it would take time and , if matters should prove too difficult , she was to return immediately to England .
20 I think if you say you do suggestion therapy in a group , that 's fine , that 's honest and correct , but to say you can do analysis in a group I think is , is is actually erm erm fraudulent in the sense that it is not true analysis , it must be suggestion therapy .
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