Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] [be] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So if you programme for something which fails to materialise , then you should not blame or punish yourself , or decide it was not meant to be .
2 That is what I take to be the goal of all writing : to open up fenced-off plots , to water tracts of land that have dried out , to make accessible thoughts and feelings that readers never knew they had or thought they were not allowed to have .
3 It might provide a temporary suspension of concern about school work , being bullied , or growing up ( or feeling one is not growing up ) .
4 I am pleased with the progress to date and trust you are not finding the process too disruptive .
5 ‘ I am just hoping and praying he is not going to be used as a human shield .
6 No , I can ring in work and say I 'm not going in this afternoon , er , I mean , but it is , it is , er , self discipline exercised by members when we do talk about issues on the agenda .
7 It 's time for him to match his maturity with his golf and realise he 's not going to win every time .
8 By avoiding this situation and pretending it 's not happening means that we can actually be risking the lives of one our friends , one of our family .
9 Michelle 's phoned and said she 's not going .
10 And then when we went for wheel balancing told us to take it back for balancing and tracking , they turned round and says we 're not doing it .
11 If somebody calls you up and says something 's not working , always ask , well what did you change recently , and ninety five percent of the time , it 's that that 's the cause of the problems .
12 He stands over me and says I 'm not doing it then he stands over me oh god it 's gone , it 's gone , it 's oh look pick them up , oh what 's he gon na do ?
13 The Mercury One-2-One Ltd digital cellular joint venture between Cable & Wireless Plc and US West Inc has been talking to Reuters , and says it is not seeking to trigger a price war with Cellnet Mobile Communications Ltd and Vodafone Group Plc .
14 Additionally , the activity will need to initiate data generating and checking processes internally to establish model boundaries and ensure they are not violated .
15 Sir John and Lady Beatrice vehemently objected to this , so Benjamin offered to supervise the soldiers and ensure it was not used as a pretext for theft or pillage .
16 If an asylum claim that is not justified under the United Nations convention is to be the means of obtaining settlement in the United Kingdom , we need at the very least to explain , particularly to the minority communities legitimately settled here , why their friends and relatives who would like to come and join them are not allowed to do so because they told the truth when they made their applications , whereas others who are prepared to make an unfounded asylum claim can remain indefinitely .
17 To explain something is not to explain it away and to understand something is not to underestimate its value .
18 One of the things that does strike me about er particularly heterosexual men and their attitudes to homosexual and y'know homo erotic activities , there 's y'know a lot of different aspects where y'know I do n't know rugby players all get in the shower together and smack each-other on the backside in the name of horse play and y'know it 's not considered threatening or erm or outrageous and yet sometimes these are the very people who are the most homophobic .
19 to go back , because to do this to get to this stage and find we 're not getting our audiences then , if that 's the answer we 'll just have to find the solution .
20 Sometimes students get anxious about this , and believe they are not making audience contact early enough ; but if you think about it , the reasoning is clear .
21 Sometimes I will have abandoned a painting , got really tired of it and feel it 's not getting anywhere , and you will come and make some remark that makes me look at it again and think : oh yes , I could just pull that one together .
22 The number of peoples in the world who knew of these advantages and nevertheless persisted in rejecting them were few : to do so required a tenacity of purpose , an indifference to wealth and comfort which were not given to many .
23 It 's time to take some control of events and do what is not expected . ’
24 They 'll see us and think I 'm not taking it seriously . "
25 He has confessed to most of the charges to court investigators and western reporters and maintains he was not coerced into admitting his guilt .
26 So we have put a marker in the ground and said we are not going to move forward in the production investment phase until we are satisfied that we have a fixed price at that point so we are actually going to cap our liabilities for Eurofighter with a max price for the whole of the remainder of the programme and then we will fix the price and hopefully get some economies from fixing at that point in time before we move forward into the next phase .
27 and a cup of coffee and a cigarette , and I always do that but this day I was so tired after the doing the garden , both gardens like and fucking weeding them all and doing everything else and brushing out the back and doing I said to him for fuck 's sake do them dishes for me for a change William would you I said , so I got er got myself in the bath said I 'm away to bingo , so William 's gone out what happened ? eight , I had eight he had one you may get yourself I said ah fuck no wonder I have no fucking luck , so on the settee and said I 'm not going anywhere , I sat for ten minutes then I said ah fuck you why should I sit here so I lifted the car keys and walked out again then , fucking zooming out of and there was John coming up like that
28 I did n't know until eleven o'clock that night he rang up and said I 'm not coming home .
29 ‘ One barged past me and said I was not going to be taking the car away and became abusive .
30 In addition , having listened repeatedly to the cassette he felt much happier in himself , realizing that the stammer which so embarrassed and distressed him was not going to prove incurable .
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