Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] [conj] [vb base] them " in BNC.

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1 You can align and rotate objects , group or ungroup them or move them to the front or back .
2 They cause no great problem to anybody , and what ought to happen is that the gipsies and certainly the tinkers ought to be encouraged to buy sites and develop them and police them themselves .
3 My own tears , hot noisy gulping that burns and blotches , that neither you nor any of the women in the group is going to offer to staunch , tears of anger for myself and all of us , anger with the women in the group for making me face up to what I 'm doing to you , for making me want to take out those dusty bundles of old stories from where they 've lain for my lifetime tied up with pink ribbon and reread them and throw them away .
4 These evidently clean and warm them and retrieve them if they wander .
5 The BB was formed , wrote Smith , because of the need ‘ to improve the discipline of the Sunday School ; to hold and interest the older boys , and to reach them and influence them , not only on Sunday , but all through the week ’ .
6 And dried them and put them on the rack again .
7 For example , we now brief recruits on their rights and tell them and encourage them to actually come forward with their complaints , we very carefully brief and select our N C Os , we have open days for parents , we bring parents in so that they can feel part of the set up right from the start and so that their sons join the army and they tell their other friends to make sure they do to .
8 To do that job you would have to take in all the deer in every year , weigh and measure them and give them their dose , and feed them while you did it .
9 And li you know , er clean them and starch them and stretch them on frames and Have you ever been in a dressing room ?
10 He blanched and I would chill and bag them and put them in the freezer .
11 I 'm wondering if I should ring them actually , from unit , and ask them if tell them what 's happening and will she be able to go on Income Support if she does give it up ?
12 Remove the chicken pieces and skin them and bone them carefully .
13 They catch them and pickle them or pin them on cards ; they put them in various sorts of cages and study their responses to different environments and different stimuli …
14 ‘ Well , ’ he said , ‘ you can peel them and boil them or cut them up and fry them or … ’
15 First of all we offer a good a service as possible , we try to get to know the individuals , and help them and give them individual advice .
16 and she says she sat , she sat er still you know with her arms folded and all like that and she says , oh she says I think you er collect the books and stamp them and put them back on the shelves and she said they all laughed , but she got the job in opposition to er , a few others you know
17 well can you explain please as the man who devised these charges and assessed them and work them out how by some process of reason anybody reading that sentence gets the clue that when it says management charges will rise at a rate below the level of inflation , it refers to one pound fifty nine , how can you understand that ?
18 But love them or leave them , it 's best they 're kept in the hands of the experts .
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