Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [art] [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This wire is connected with a Tell Tale Bell in the Signal Box at each end of the tunnel in such a way that upon the wire being cut or broken the bells will commence ringing and the Signalman is made aware that something has happened .
2 Any member of the secret society who takes public office or joins the police should declare they have taken the Masonic oath to counter , he told MPs .
3 If we had lost or drawn the fans would have blamed me . ’
4 In the event of circumstances arising under 1 or 2 above which require the Insurers to notify the Society of the reduction or cancellation of cover the Insurers shall during the period from such reduction or cancellation until ten days after notification of the Society indemnify the Society against losses to the same extent as if cover had not been reduced or cancelled and if the Society shall within seven days of notification by the Insurers inform the Insurers that it wishes cover to continue on the same terms as if it had not been reduced or cancelled the Insurers shall indemnify the Society against losses on such terms for such period not exceeding six months as the Society shall specify and the Society shall be responsible for the payment of premium for such cover .
5 Although the Sandinistas have repeatedly pledged democratic elections in February , Mr Arias was said to be fearful that a failure to disarm , relocate or disband the contras could provoke a Sandinista cross-border sweep against the rebels and cancellation of the polls .
6 Although the Sandinistas have repeatedly pledged democratic elections in February , Mr Arias was said to be fearful that a failure to disarm , relocate or disband the contras could provoke a Sandinista cross-border sweep against the rebels and cancellation of the polls .
7 The Navigation Acts were complicated and applying the regulations would have been harder if there had been a great deal of trade between the colonies , but in the seventeenth century most of the trade of each colony on the American mainland or in the West Indies was with England rather than with other colonies .
8 We have consulted our lawyers and hope the editors will publish an apology .
9 He joked : ‘ In England , if you were sent to a rugby league match at Batley on a night you had to park your car on the touch line and leave the headlights on and hope the players would run into the beam of light so you could get a picture .
10 But Cherwell District Council insists ’ the polluter pays ’ , and says the owners should start restoration now , out of their own pocket .
11 Unless the original is crisp and clear the copies will lose definition , the smaller or more delicate the typeface , the worse the problem .
12 Parish council chairman Sarah Broke responded they were ‘ very pleased to hear it ’ and vowed the OPS would have Selborne 's backing in their fight .
13 By comparison , batching and sorting the enquiries would lead to 126 head movements , most of which would be an absolute minimum of 10 ms and none of which would be much longer than 15 ms .
14 Andrew was also looking at strategic issues , such as how the Russians are managing the environment themselves , what restrictions and demands the authorities will place on western companies , and what sort of help they require with rectifying the damage caused by earlier drilling and production operations .
15 It is not a sign of aggression but is , rather , a substitute for the pecking and scratching the birds would do if they were able to forage or dustbathe in an unrestricted and varied environment .
16 Detectives are linking it with a series of recent armed robberies , and warn the men could inflict serious injury .
17 The Labour Party immediately criticised the proposals as an attack on councils they run and said the plans would lead to more centralisation and privatisation .
18 By the time the Argentinian expedition was over the home critics began to fire their arrows — and the team put together their shields and hoped the shafts would bounce off .
19 You will also need to consider what information and experience the members might have or need , the questions that might be asked and the possible answers .
20 but says the steps will have no further charges against earnings ; it is also negotiating the sale of its non-strategic software business in Australia .
21 Richards has yet to appoint a coach and manager for the district team next season but hopes the jobs will attract a number of applicants .
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