Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adj] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was the custom of such military monastic orders to establish ‘ Preceptories ’ in ‘ … desert and uncultivated places , to introduce inhabitants or to civilise those scattered over a wilderness ’ .
2 Nor have many responded to the offer of the new British National ( Overseas ) passport which was introduced to overcome problems of national status derived from China 's insistence that all ‘ Chinese compatriots ’ in Hong Kong are Chinese nationals .
3 Rentokil now have a bespoke range of over forty different species and displays all illustrated in a brochure , all of which are replicas .
4 It is important to realise that negotiations on the final provisions within the Directive have not yet been completed and so there is the opportunity for the Department of Transport to receive comments from sporting bodies and make these known to the European Commission .
5 These colours are of secondary origin and replace those inherited from the parent material .
6 The aim of the operation did not appear to be to capture territory , but instead , to construct communication routes and to destroy those established by the SOC government .
7 The public bar had filled considerably and the general clatter of laughter and bustle all added to the good feeling of anticipation which was beginning to invade Yanto .
8 A. The structure of the VZV genome with the repeated sequences shown as boxes and the positions of the ORF 62 and ORF 71 marked in the short repeats .
9 At the same time , Galanter observes , the scale of finance both makes the highest quality lawyering possible and frustrates those involved by the organisational implications .
10 The octopus , he discovered , could learn to distinguish such shapes and patterns and avoid those coupled with the unpleasant experience .
11 raise that and have that developed as a road , the other one , would be closed
12 If the trainee wishes to achieve the module on screen based equipment and have this endorsed on the certificate , the inclusion of Introduction to Word Processing in his/her programme would normally be recommended .
13 A change of context between the exposure phase and the conditioning phase should , therefore , eliminate latent inhibition at the 24-h interval and reduce that seen at the 4-h interval .
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