Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [verb] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The family has either lost many of its functions or has become more specialized in these functions .
2 Some policies will also include eventualities like job loss or having to stay home to care for a sick relative .
3 Character A — or it might have been B again , for he seemed to be a right prune — had left late or had left early travelling at half the speed of the other .
4 It 's the first school in Scotland to receive permission from the government to become self-governing and has raised deep concerns in the local community .
5 It 's the first school in Scotland to receive permission from the government to become self-governing and has raised deep concerns in the local community .
6 The booklet is revised annually and has become widely recognised as one of the best guides available for local groups .
7 City Hall has clung to its paternalist traditions — which go far beyond the municipal norm in America — and has wound up enmeshed in the social problems of a city of 7.3m people in constant turmoil .
8 From early in its history , therefore , AEA has been active in technology transfer and has come increasingly to operate as a service organisation to the nuclear industry , working through customer-contractor arrangements covered by properly drawn up contracts .
9 Consumption in leisure and holidaying became increasingly linked to the capacity of the individual consumer to make choices within the market .
10 He got to his feet and tried to fly up to get at Bower-bird , but every time he leaped into the air he fell back to earth .
11 ‘ My hands and face get completely covered in grease and dirt , ’ laughs Lesley .
12 As Trevor is self-employed and intends to carry on working beyond the usual retirement age , he 'll receive his payout just when he needs it — with cash to spare , helping towards the world cruise that he and his wife had always promised themselves .
13 Personal computer network service company Maddox Group Plc , set up as recently as February 1992 , is already making profits , claims a 4% share of the corporate market , and intends to keep on growing by acquisition .
14 Vonetta loves House music , and getting dressed up to go to a ‘ rave ’ ; she is twenty-two , at college , and lives at home with her parents , who are from Nigeria .
15 That evening the periti were thanked for their help , and urged to go on talking to bishops now that they had learned to do so .
16 The first sign that Harriet had not lost her wild instincts came in her third year , when she left the house and started to go off hunting at night .
17 It 's been bad enough walking about with my insides falling out and knowing people were looking and having to keep on behaving like a healthy young virgin who 's never had anything to do with a man .
18 He tossed his horse 's reins to a groom and went storming off looking for Dacourt .
19 I went to all the customers and offered to carry on delivering for threepence a week .
20 Anyway I comes out to here and said do n't go near that door , open the back door very careful , there 's three kids got and then we went out and chase the buggers .
21 It was the first time he 'd been really alone since the days when he 'd lived in a hole and had to go out hunting by himself because there was no one else .
22 The withdrawals began in May , 1988 and had reached half-way point by August 14 ; they continued in 1989 , although there was heavy fighting along the Salang highway the road which runs north from Kabul to the Soviet border - as the Russian convoys left .
23 It was the same story on the 30th and frustration mounted amongst the crews , by the end of June Ramsay had flown 18 operations and had become well established on the Squadron as one of the most accurate navigators .
24 This time poor old Simpson had been caught off-balance by events and had sounded distinctly agitated on the telephone .
25 As we have seen , old St Paul 's had been in a very poor state of repair even before 1640 , and had suffered further damage as a result of the events of the 1640s before being fatally weakened by the Great Fire .
26 Mr Hume said the committee made only one annual special visit to a selected EC region , and had agreed unanimously to come to Northern Ireland later this year .
27 He recognized the voice of Beverley 's servant , Parry , who had become anxious about Giles 's safety , and had set out to search for him .
28 In other words , the World Bank 's figures were bogus , but what mattered was that they provided welcome fodder to those who were already convinced of the value of Ceauşescu 's friendship and wished to promote further deals with his regime .
29 Down here and trying to get past to get into Crick Laid
30 Hence , there is little that is surprising , in my view , in the fact that when movements for popular sovereignty and democracy began to develop on a large scale among colonial and dependent peoples , in the course of the twentieth century , they should have taken as their political model the established nation states , and have become strongly infused with nationalism .
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