Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] over the next [det] " in BNC.

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1 She sat demurely on the edge of one of the room 's more nondescript-looking chairs , knowing that this Josie , whoever she might be , would be her key to success or failure over the next few hours and maybe even the coming days .
2 We prove it to them by demonstrating that the money we need for research and investment over the next few years is in place .
3 The Welsh skipper faces an operation on his hernia tomorrow and will miss Wales 's big international clashes with England and France over the next few weeks .
4 Fortunately , telecommunication technology is developing almost as fast as silicon chip technology and is expected to be able to meet the demands that will be made on it by computers and microelectronics over the next few years .
5 The remaining 50% will be acquired through gifts and purchases over the next few years .
6 ICL also now generates about half its revenues from higher margin non-hardware sales , and expects this to increase to between 55% and 60% over the next few years .
7 ICL also now generates about half its revenues from higher margin non-hardware sales , and expects this to increase to between 55% and 60% over the next few years .
8 But during our conversation even he was forced to concede that besides being unable to entertain he would also have to follow events at Hove and Edgbaston over the next few days through newspapers and television .
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