Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] from [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Assessing and monitoring quality in health care will therefore require continuous interaction and feedback from users of the services at all stages of service design and delivery .
2 In other words , for an action to be deviant it has to cause some form of critical reaction and disapproval from others in the particular society .
3 Computer studies of cemeteries abound , and range from surveys of a number of cemeteries and their geographical distribution to very detailed studies of an individual one .
4 You can buy maps and guides from campsites in the country areas .
5 Complaints from other departments and complaints from members of the public , changes in job spec er new technology perhaps er backlogs that , people always have a backlog do n't they ?
6 Alan Dimmer died this March after removing oil and grease from components at the KAB car seating factory in Northampton , using a vat full of toxic chemical .
7 I realise that this is a bad time to ask for help in any professional and academic matter , but in the light of cutbacks and recommendations from reports like the Swann Report it is important that we are clear about the provision of language education for future teachers .
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