Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] that [pers pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This will take a little getting used to , so be patient and be sure to memorise any melodies or lines that you come up with .
2 If the former , then consumers have money in their bank accounts or pockets that they do not know what to do with and may therefore not mind increased taxation to pay for schools , hospitals , and the social services .
3 She had banned everything Irish from the house , burnt any newspapers or pamphlets that he brought home , and even searched his room for unsuitable material .
4 There appears to be no method more reliable to check the degree of redness , pinkness or greyness that you desire then sticking in your knife into the thickest point of the meat .
5 John came to the Palace in March 1988 from Crewe Alexandra for a £60,000 fee and , while capable of filling several defensive roles it was as our right- or left-back that he featured regularly , although always wearing number two , so that he was undoubtedly among manager Steve Coppell 's most astute signings .
6 Mystical experience never arrives out of the blue ; it is always influenced by the religious milieu of the mystic , even though he may want to transcend the beliefs and attitudes that he found there .
7 The stars of the show here just have to be the aged scratchplate , covers and knobs that I mentioned earlier .
8 They continued to feed , or stared out on the Zoo not looking in the direction of Minch at all ; while Creggan was so busy staring at Minch in delight and pleasure that he did not notice behind him , in the next-door cage , Slorne stare for the moment at Minch and then swing round and silently resume her vigil at the back top of her cage , looking at the trees and sky .
9 For the rest of the day he could hardly concentrate on any problem , caught between contrition that he had done something wrong in inviting Benedicta and pleasure that she had so readily accepted .
10 Yet some of the people concerned would be people I was at school with ; and in any case it would cal 1 upon questions and allegiances that I had continuously pushed into the rear recesses of my mind .
11 Karajan 's response to Honegger 's Symphonie liturgique and its near contemporary , Strauss 's Metamorphosen , of which he made the first recording in 1947 , provides specifically musical evidence of Karajan 's priorities and allegiances that I have yet to see considered by those who have become so concerned to analyse and recycle often erroneous information about his alleged political sympathies before and during the Second World War .
12 All the loving and giving of small luxuries and necessities that she had not thought of herself , and the expected regularity of their attendance at those sumptuous Sunday luncheons , encroached dangerously on the precious isolation of life at Kileady .
13 But to me there 's such a fine line between music forms like Cuban , latin , reggae and jazz that I do n't really separate anything . ’
14 Potentially more poignant and serious is the rhyme lef/gref , " desired , loved " / " grief " ; a linkage of glee , licence and distress that we find again shortly afterwards , with a different but phonetically similar word , " " leve " " , " leave " , " licence " , and the verb " " greve " " , " grieve " , where Wilekin takes the risk of declaring himself : ( " Now that I have won leave for me to cause myself grief would be wrong . " )
15 He was so absorbed in the rivalry between Egypt and Syria that he attributed comparatively little importance to the fact that the Seleucid monarchy still had a large interest in the Iranian plateau ( see , however , 8.5 ) .
16 But , on the face of it , the perfect little couplets about twigs and foxes that he wrung out of his gargantuan walks justified the form of their lives as fully in her eyes as in his .
17 All we in fact observe is that h is regularly followed by B. This consistent association leads us to connect the two in our own minds , to expect A always to be followed by B , and this we then express by saying that A is the cause of B and B the effect of A. This is all perfectly in order , and indeed it is through such links and associations that we build up an ordered and coherent conception of the world around us and make sense of our experience of it .
18 It was a mark of her artistic intelligence and independence that she did not choose to dish up a pot-pourri of well tried favourites for the occasion , drawing attention to herself rather than the music .
19 So many of our dreams , however , are mixtures of fact and fantasy that I do not feel any great reliance can be placed on what seem to be insights into our former lives when we are asleep .
20 Many of the trees , plants and insects that you see almost every day show natural examples of symmetry .
21 Monsieur Venet , the proprietor 's son is the chef and cooks with a passion , creating dishes with wonderfully rich sauces and flavours that we 'd never savoured before .
22 If we are to take this speech as accurate reportage within the conventions of deathbed narratives , is there not something a little remarkable in Leapor 's assuring her friend and patron that she has always loved her father , though never so much as now , when she is dying ?
23 the island boasts an abundance of wild life — you will see animals , birds and fish that you have never dreamed of in a setting of luxurious vegetation .
24 Well first of all , can I actually correct some of the gross prejudices and inaccuracies that you 've just sent out across the air , which are , frankly , extremely unhelpful .
25 Venturing to the second stage , they could have their names and homelands recorded on a list published the follow ing day in Le Figaro de la Tour Eiffel certain proof to less privileged friends and relatives that they had indeed visited this engineering marvel — or could pen lines of poetry for inclusion in the same journal .
26 She found him attentive , intelligent , even charming , but with a distinct sense of separateness and pride that she found refreshingly unlike any of the other local men she had known .
27 Both cultures are easily encouraged or bored by language and concepts that they perceive as unfashionable trendy , patronising , disturbing or just plain out of date !
28 This group of people was recognised by the meeting in Tokyo over a year ago , and this is an issue that many people — both my friends and strangers that I come across in collecting or canvassing for Amnesty — ask me about .
29 By glimpses I learnt with awe and astonishment that he had once been of my age .
30 ‘ Of all the actors , directors and writers that I have ever worked with , John is the most sensitive to the psychological and emotional state of his fellow performers at any given moment .
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