Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] that [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But it was theocratic kingship that was the foundation of his policy and his rulership rather than a kingship or emperorship that looked to the pope for sanction and direction .
2 Some people may find they need more complicated items such as hoists or units that fit into the bath to raise and lower the bather using air or water pressure .
3 Investment can only be in companies or funds that qualify under the BES rules .
4 layout , type or pictures that extend beyond the trim marks on a page .
5 Bull Pot of the Witches , by the way , may mean just that , that it was named after a witch or witches that lived in the area .
6 Since we must have some way of linking each component to the next one in the structure , each component must contain a link or pointer that points to the next component in the structure .
7 Extraordinary items are material items possessing a high degree of abnormality which arise from events or transactions that fall outside the ordinary activities of the reporting entity and which are not expected to recur .
8 If you are catching 6-pounders and want to catch 8lb bream , then move to another swim , or fish that swim at a different time .
9 Their bowls will be brimming , they will head the queue for the sprat of meat or fish that floats in the soup gruel .
10 Most of Gould 's time on this first brief visit to Yarrundi was spent in pursuit of one particular bird — the Menura or lyre-bird that abounded in the cedar brush on the slopes of the Liverpool Range .
11 Sort out any booklets or manuals that pertain to the heating system or any other fixture that you are leaving behind .
12 Outside the plant , middle-aged women who once worked in it spend their time methodically abusing every car , van or lorry that drives through the gates .
13 The main concept in associative learning theory is that there is a basic unit of learning which consists of a more or less permanent connection between two events : a stimulus ( S ) , which is any object or event that acts on an organism , and the reaction to it , or response ( R ) that the learner makes .
14 An authenticated copy of the complaint with its supporting documents , and of other exhibits or rulings that serve as the basis for the measure requested ;
15 Or rosemary that shakes in the world 's breeze .
16 iv ) company-specific factors : include such variables as : organisation size and degree of centralisation ; official purchase decision-making procedures and processes ; role of buying department and other buying process roles ; means of resolving conflicts or differences that appear within the Decision Making Unit during the buying decision-making process .
17 the regular folded array with adjacent re-entry of the chains , but with some loose folding and emergent chain ends or cilia that contribute to the disordered surface , or
18 When I looked down once more I saw , gleaming in the darkness , a long pin or needle that projected from the cane 's tip .
19 ‘ Mind ’ , as a functioning of consciousness , is viewed by the Hindus as a series of ideas or impressions that pass through the brain via the process of thought .
20 Moreover , under section 245 of the Code , bodily harm includes any hurt or injury that interferes with the health or comfort of the complainant and that is more than merely transient or trifling in nature .
21 But it is the Duchess herself who most obviously embodies those qualities of courage and fidelity that act as an antidote to the surrounding evil .
22 ‘ I 'm sure I do n't know for what act of yours the Deity has seen fit to bless us with mounted Normans , and shiploads of mercenaries , and woods that burn in a trice , but you must have dropped a word somewhere that commended itself . ’
23 Even afterwards , when I was a teenager , I paid for my bad timing , coming just too early to enjoy the fun and freedom that waited round the corner .
24 Finally , it is pointed out that if times are indeed bad then , in the name of justice and humanity , more rather than less should be spent on those services in cash and kind that cater for the welfare of those in need .
25 A PR executive thus needs to be placed so that he or she is aware of all issues , policies , attitudes and opinions that exist in the organisation that have a bearing upon how it is perceived by the organisation 's publics .
26 In the preamble to the final version of the Declaration released by Egyptian officials , contracting parties reaffirmed their " rejection of the aggressive course and alignment that occurred during the Iraqi aggression and occupation of the state of Kuwait " and recognized that it had " destroyed many of the concepts and achievements of joint Arab action " .
27 It produces an ice quite Ben Nicholson in the uniformity of colour , and there is an almost Rodinesque sumptuousness about the lumps and knobs that accumulate at the ends of the shelves .
28 Throughout this book I have suggested that it is important , in training children , to convey a reasonably coherent idea of the aims and objects that lie behind the training and supervision .
29 He was born deaf , dumb and blind and was also mentally-deficient , and died in 1902 before he could accede to the bewildering duties and titles that went with the Dukedom of Norfolk , Earl Marshal of England .
30 There is a freshness and enthusiasm that communicate with the listener and the recording , too , is eminently acceptable .
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