Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] was [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 The President was amused , conceding that not much cricket or rugby was played in the United States , but as a sports fan himself he understood — especially as a Southerner , aware of the significance of sport in the Deep South , and of the fact that I came from an ever Deeper South than he did …
2 A masterweaver in Persia or Anatolia was held in the same esteem as we hold Rembrandt or Vermeer , and even today there are some textile artists whose reputation and status are equivalent to those of any contemporary artist in the West .
3 If no blood clot or haemorrhage was seen in the ulcer base , the patient was discharged and followed up with an endoscopy on the seventh day , the first month , and every month until scarring of the lesion ensued .
4 No significant intestinal pathology or malabsorption was found in the controls .
5 ‘ Marie Savigny or Deveril was murdered in the forest of Godstowe and you appeared in the priory at the same time .
6 The next second , the door swung open and Doyle was standing in the doorway , with a tray in his hands , looking at them both .
7 Beamish was sued by Mond and judgement was found in the plaintiff 's favour to the cost of £5,000 .
8 Earlier in this chapter ( p. 70 ) striking a realistic balance between protection and freedom was discussed in the context of preventing accidents in relation to children .
9 The inappropriateness of Carter 's background and experience was reflected in the insensitivity of his handling of Congress .
10 The territory of Judaea and Samaria was placed in the hands of a Roman Procurator ( a Roman officer with the rank of governor ) .
11 Revenues from Crown lands went increasingly to the Chamber rather than to the Exchequer and money was stored in the Jewel House of the Household .
12 At the end of it , Robert Kennedy was dead and McCarthy was defeated in the nervousness that engulfed American politics , leaving Hubert Humphrey to battle for the White House with Richard Nixon .
13 There was a scuffle and Murray was stabbed in the chest .
14 There was a scuffle and Murray was stabbed in the chest .
15 Chancelot Flour Mill and Warehouse was completed in the Western Harbour adjacent to the Rank complex by the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society .
16 David and Pat Moody are very professional hosts — it was Pat 's grandmother who started the business in 1911 and Pat was born in the hotel .
17 Methylase assay : The methylase activity at 30°C and 42°C was measured in the same buffer used for the endonuclease reactions .
18 The three republics had an extended experience of representative government , which was not the case in other parts of what became the USSR , and feudalism was abolished in the early nineteenth century , decades before its abolition in Russia proper .
19 Two weeks later , on the morning of the auction , a determined knock on the door sent Cissie flying headlong down the hallway from the kitchen , with Beth in close pursuit ; young Richard was already upstairs with his newly appointed day-tutor , and David was closeted in the den with Luther , going over the final details for the auction .
20 The language of the local bonds of maintenance and manrent was used in the bonds that politicians , including Mary of Guise , made during the 1540s and 1550s ; indeed , if anything they were even loftier in their talk of mutual support .
21 Less than a year later Rust and Sabrina were on a routine stakeout at the Marseilles docks when they had come under heavy fire from a gang of drug smugglers and Rust was hit in the spine , leaving him paralysed from the waist down .
22 Nails replied with some very bad language , which somewhat alienated Shirl , and they walked back to the police-car in silence , and Nails was locked in the back .
23 The old woman was crouched like a bundle of rags in the corner of the hut and Simon was standing in the open doorway .
24 A slender young woman in a green flowered dress with lacy bits at the neck and cuffs was standing in the doorway .
25 Normally they ate late and Tug was kept in the attic .
26 The house of the Fleece was fast shuttered by then , the wicket in the yard door closed but not barred ; and Julian was waiting in the doorway of the undercroft , her ears pricked for every footfall that passed along the alley .
27 A good deal of credulity and nonsense was indulged in the name of psychology but there was no nonsense about the concept of ‘ psychological obsolescence ’ , the new technique for making people dissatisfied with what they had bought more quickly than ever before .
28 And speculation was fuelled in the last 10 minutes of South Africa 's second innings when West Indian umpire Steve Bucknor called up Indian captain Mohammad Azharuddin to discuss damage to the ball .
29 An area of ceiling and wall was damaged in the incident .
30 The majority of the population had been reduced to a state of extreme poverty , an estimated 150,000 people had lost their jobs , and famine was reported in the north-west region .
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