Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [det] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She discusses this in relation to the view held by some feminists that ‘ every woman 's experience of the world is valid , not false , illusory or mistaken , and that all views of the world are equally valid ’ .
2 Sharad Pawar , chief minister of Maharashtra state , said federal paramilitary police were being flown to Bombay , the Maharashtra capital , and that all roads into the sprawling city of 12 million people had been blocked .
3 Sharad Pawar , chief minister of Maharashtra state , said federal paramilitary police were being flown to Bombay , the Maharashtra capital , and that all roads into the sprawling city of 12 million people had been blocked .
4 Will he confirm that the occupation is illegal and that all settlements on the west bank are illegal ?
5 Does she agree that the factions that are fighting in the south have no claim to represent the north , which has the main link with the Somali community in this country , and that all factions in the regions of Somalia must be involved in reaching a settlement that can be expected to last ?
6 She asserted that patients were regularly drugged against their will , and that all patients on the ward where she worked were locked in .
7 ‘ It would be wrong to anticipate the conclusions of the inquiry but I do want to assure the public that this matter is a cause of great concern to the Prison Service and that all aspects of the escape , including the role played by prison staff , will be very carefully examined . ’
8 The British consul-general in Seoul thought that Soviet suspicion of the anti-trusteeship groups was understandable enough and that both sides in the Joint Commission were jockeying to gain the best tactical place before the breakdown of talks ; neither wished to appear responsible for precipitating the collapse .
9 Though this danger is now realised , it is possible that the current models are also incomplete and that some errors in the correspondence between the model and the observed data are due to insufficient sophistication in the model .
10 Events were to show that the persuasive power of force was not lasting and that some parts of the Habsburg lands were still able to defend their privileges effectively .
11 It may not be a comfortable fact , but there are clear signs that public appreciation of science and the humanities , of research and scholarship are perhaps worse than they ever were , and that most members of the public see these things as simply irrelevant to their daily lives .
12 But even here the other member of the department interviewed explained that the syllabus was far less prescriptive than it appeared , and that most members of the department interpreted it fairly flexibly .
13 If output could be expanded up to the point unc where price equals marginal cost , there would be an extensive gain in social welfare , namely the shaded area. , Making the simplifying assumptions that there are no income effects and that any effects on the distribution of income are unimportant , this area may stand for the true change in social welfare .
14 Under such conditions , it is assumed that there would have been no ‘ real ’ changes in the child 's language and that any differences in the two test scores would be due to error arising from the limitations of the test itself ( see Chapter 7 ) .
15 Upjohn has at all times contended that Halcion is safe and effective and that any errors in the presentation of its material to the Licensing Authority were unintended , and it is suing the BBC for libel .
16 Moreover , it supported the introduction of such measures in order to ensure that social inequality was removed and that more children from the deprived families survived their childhood .
17 The travellers say the police are hounding them , and that more clashes throughout the summer are inevitable .
18 Because of the population turnaround in many rural areas , the definition of a rural community in a widespread and confused literature has become an elusive concept ( Lewis , 1979 ) and although most parts of the UK have reached Time C in Figure 5.4a , some areas are characterized by a mixture of repopulation and depopulation in Zone III , and depopulation and repopulation in Zone II , so that the hallmarks of both the population and depopulation quadrants of Figure 5.4b can be found together in a very small area .
19 We are a more musically literate nation than formerly and if some members of the congregation can read music , their lead will be important in the singing of an unfamiliar tune .
20 There is indeed in all a welter of words ; and while some sections of the final documents had been intensely discussed , formulated and reformulated across several sessions , much else — quite inevitably — was barely discussed at all .
21 The Reverend Peter Brown , Convener of the Social Matters Committee for the Orkney Presbytery , began to investigate the actions of the Evangelical Charismatic Movement in Orkney , and whether any members of the Orkney Christian Fellowship had been at that seminar .
22 Does he believe that that is possible in Northern Ireland , when some sections of the security services are colluding with terrorists , when they are using terrorists as agents while they are involved in terrorist activity and when some members of the security services are handing out confidential security documents as though they were pen-pal photographs ?
23 But if some members of the Williams Committee had started out with such an attitude , a look at the evidence seemed to have converted them .
24 But if more deaths among the female goats resulted from the aberrant male breeding behaviour in this population , what caused them to behave so in the first place ?
25 Not only did she have that reporter to cope with in the morning , but if those rumours about the Russians planning to dump some of their copper stocks on the London market were true … ?
26 But whereas these ideas of the ‘ correlation of forces ’ led to insights like those of Oersted and Faraday in electromagnetism , they did not lead to the restructuring of the various sciences .
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