Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] them [art] " in BNC.

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1 That was hot , yes and th in between there used to be that 's where your furnace used to go in and come back and up out the chimney and that they put them the in there to heat the water quick you see and yet they ought to be , they had to be sliced out with a what they call a slice , cos they used to get furred up and we used to give them nineteen and sixpence for that to fill the boiler up again , we had t used to have take Pinmill and they used to have to come up to get fresh water into the anchor boat and we used to pump it up by hand , into the boiler .
2 Three of them floated in a sea of garlic and tomato and although I found them no better than chewy chicken my wife told me they were well up to scratch .
3 But she added : ‘ The people at work think I 'm insane and when I showed them the video of the bungee jump it just confirmed their opinion that I 'm a lunatic . ’
4 My eyes were shut most of the time now as I blundered round the park and when I opened them a red mist swirled .
5 and when I gave them a questionnaire saying how would you label someone as gay they said , we never make those kind of assumptions .
6 They looked back at him with the bright eyes of rats in old people 's faces and when he asked them a question .
7 She drew both father and child to the top of the sea , and when she saw them a spring of joy burst in her heart and the power of speech returned to her .
8 I dream of Strathspeld , and the long summers of my childhood passed in a trance of lazy pleasure , ending with that day , running through the woods ( but I turn away from that memory , the way I 've learned to over the years ) ; I wander again through the woods and the small , hidden glens , along the shores of the ornamental lochan and the river and its loch and I 'm standing near the old boathouse in that defeatingly bright sunlight , light dancing on water , and I see two figures , naked and thin and white in the grass beyond the reed beds , and as I watch them the light turns from gold to silver and then to white , and the trees seem to shrink in on themselves , leaves disappearing in the chill coruscations of that enveloping white blaze while the view all around me becomes brighter and darker at once and all is reduced to black and white ; trees are bare and black , the ground smother-smoothed in white and the two young figures are gone , while one even smaller one — booted , gloved , coat-tails flying behind — runs laughing across the white level of the frozen loch .
9 Wexford brought his beer and as he passed them the man got up as if to take his leave .
10 I think erm I think is quite fair maybe if concessions could be raised to one fifty or two pounds but overall I think that people who can afford it spend such a lot of money on the raffle and we therefore give raffle tickets to those who can afford it could jealousy and on the raffle generally about a hundred pounds is made and if there , if there was more charge for tickets , people might not give so much for the raffles and also if you give but if you charge them a nominal sum and then shove other things at them on their options they might be more willing to give to optional choices like a raffle .
11 Now I understand that top level sailors welcome the one-design nature of the Grand Prix , not only because it is potentially inexpensive , but because it offers them an even platform from which to display their skills .
12 Cooke says : ‘ Egg pasta is certainly preferred by many chefs not only because of its excellent colour and flavour , but because it offers them the possibility of upgrading their pasta menus , thus increasing their profits . ’
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