Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pron] be [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's quite true he 's my boyfriend and our relationship is very special , ’ while he countered : ‘ It 's just not true that we 're going out together , or that she 's my girlfriend . ’
2 Clearly , you may also be able to persuade someone to lend you money if you have power of some sort — if they owe you a favour or if you are their boss or if you are in a position of some authority for example .
3 He said I do n't know whether it 's mine or whether it 's your bugger .
4 a project quality plan format has been designed for the Permanent Way group , and that it 's your format and you change it .
5 Juniors come to recognize that the local , situation-specific knowledge they are expected to acquire is important , that it will be called upon , and that it is their responsibility to develop and communicate it , to be sure it gets into the decision process .
6 He feels that he is trusted , respected as an individual , treated as one and rewarded as one , and that it is his individuality that is needed : his individual contribution , rather than conformity to some sort of ideal ‘ company man ’ .
7 In view of that , we can recognize the possibility that as rational beings we fall under a system of law which we have somehow ourselves brought into being , and that it is our task while appearing to exist in the sensory world to live according to that law , in spite of the fact that what we appear to be is simply animals driven by sensory desire .
8 So why was it and how come that Madame was claiming that the opposite was true and that it was her father who was the person out of favour ?
9 In Coventry , Salmon is reported to have committed ‘ wicked Swearing , and uncleaness , which he justified and others of his way , That it was God which did swear in them , and that it was their liberty to keep company with Women , for their Lust ’ .
10 There was no question but that Jean-Claude wanted to be a success and that it was my job to bring this about .
11 He had informed his silent audience of the death — just ‘ death ’ — of Dr Kemp ; explained that in order to establish the , er , totality of events , it would be necessary for everyone to complete a little questionnaire ( duly distributed ) , sign and date it , and hand it in to Sergeant Lewis ; that the departure of the coach would have to be postponed until late afternoon , perhaps , with lunch by courtesy of The Randolph ; that Mr Cedric Downes had volunteered to fix something up for that morning , from about 10.45 to 12.15 ; that ( in Morse 's opinion ) activity was a splendid antidote to adversity , and that it was his hope that all the group would avail themselves of Mr Downes 's kind offer ; that if they could all think back to the previous day 's events and try to recall anything , however seemingly insignificant , that might have appeared unusual , surprising , out-of-character — well , that was often just the sort of thing that got criminal cases solved .
12 He told them that he was answerable to Parliament alone when he made decisions and that it was his duty to take into account the wider interests of the public .
13 Henry III died in November 1272 , when Edward was campaigning in Sicily but he returned and , at the age of 33 , became King Edward I , and although it was his wish to finally liberate Jerusalem from the Moslem Saracens , he became involved in England , Wales and Scotland .
14 And if it 's my brother , do n't shoot him . ’
15 After all , a guitar tech 's job has to depend on such accuracy , and if it were my job then I 'd rather put my faith in the R450 than a box-load of pocket tuners .
16 It fails to put forward any options for accept for erm , equal rights , for disability or race , and we think this is an omission , and if it were your intention to write a response , we would want to include that point in the response we make .
17 They told me Mrs Asmoyah was ‘ critical ’ — hospitals are only generous with the truth when it 's bad — and if I was her husband , father , mother or sole blood relative , I could visit her any time , but preferably after 7.0 a.m .
18 And if you 're my doctor , you ca n't tell anybody what I say . ’
19 And because it was his territory , Trent retained hope , despite his fear of Louis ; as he had retained hope back in Ireland under the inspection of the leader of the terrorist unit that he had infiltrated .
20 People will puke up all over the place and since it 's your fault , you 'll have to clear up the mess .
21 It was conceived within wedlock and while she was his wife any child of her body was legally his property . ‘
22 Most transactions involve substantial numbers of tens of thousands of pounds and whether it is your firm or your employer 's firm , you must respect the large sums of money which any conveyancer is called upon to handle in every week of his working life .
23 er next week is your let letters N and P for the raffle table , for the benefit of new members you go alphabetically through , you know , from A to Z and when it 's your turn we 'd like you to bring something for the raffle table
24 Chirac did n't even know where to go while Le Barre was speaking on an empty white platform with no chairs , and when it was his turn to speak he had no chance of a good clean start because he had to shake hands with Le Barre as they passed on the stairs .
25 The casket had been specially made to the measurements of Osiris and when it was his turn to get inside it was exactly right for him .
26 ‘ I 've met him at a couple of PFA functions and when it was my testimonial he sent some things down to be raffled .
27 She wished her father was home but he was very rarely around much these days , and when he was her mother fought with him .
28 But if you were my son I would n't let you stay there one night on your own .
29 A more extreme tactic is to start addressing them in similar vein — using ‘ my dear ’ or something worse back ( at a seminar I attended , ‘ baby ’ was suggested … but if it 's your boss you 're dealing with you may need to decide whether your job 's worth it ) .
30 All Eva remembers is lying on the sofa wondering if she was going to die , and saying , " Well , Lord , if this is the end of my life I 'll just have to say how thankful I am , and what a wonderful privilege its been , but if it 's your will for me to live then I just give myself to you all the more .
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