Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Few , however , would dispute either the inevitability of the process or that its effect on the 320 million European citizens will be real and lasting .
2 At first he had assumed that it was taking much longer than the boy had estimated or that his work on the Project was taking up his time , but this explained it all .
3 If you feel you can not do this , or if your relationship before the stroke or head injury was hostile anyway , you should discuss this problem with the doctor before undertaking the responsibility of looking after the patient .
4 And if her husband comes back , as he is apparently hinting he might , or if she moves , or gets a job , as she is always threatening to do if he does n't , or if my colleagues in the DSS find out that I am paying her , then even this hopeless arrangement will come to an end and I shall be back to the agencies and the advertisements , back to the interviews and the references , back to strangers in the house .
5 To simply state that the fathers or biblical authors believed something does not address the question as to whether they were right , or whether our picture of the world has not so much changed as to make theirs fantastic .
6 Or when his Children round the Table throng ,
7 They 're children and young people with a very poor self image and where their investment in the education system has probably been partial to say the least .
8 Since evidence suggests that humans also possess binocular cortical neurones and that their connections with the left and right eyes are susceptible to modification , as with the cat and monkey ( Aslin and Banks , 1978 ) , it is not difficult to see the possible extrapolation from the cellular to the hemispheric level ( see also Kinsbourne , 1975b ) .
9 It is often stated that young children are in the concrete operational stage of development and that their experience of the adult world and their ability to understand are restricted .
10 One can sympathise with owners of great houses , faced with tax and running costs , but let them not think that furnishings of the standing of Kent 's at Houghton can simply be dispensed with as ‘ surplus to requirements ’ and that their loss from the house would not in future be regretted .
11 But she knew that Lizzy appreciated her turning up , and that her reputation as a DI had not suffered because of her being a mother .
12 It is clear that Brooke-Rose does not propose a return to the hegemony of the printed word , and that her tale of the sabotage of communication technology is not merely the vengeful fantasy of a frustrated novelist .
13 Fabia drove through Belgium and into Germany wishing with all she had that it were Saturday and that her interview with the highly esteemed author were over .
14 Even when she shows her body agonisingly engulfed by external forces , Frida Kahlo 's direct gaze out of the canvas and into the eyes of the viewer leaves no doubt that the use of her body as raw material is a very deliberate strategy , and that her immersion in a greater universe is a source of strength , not weakness .
15 As the novel progresses , however , it becomes apparent that Xorandor does in fact address many of the same concerns as Brooke-Rose 's earlier novels , and that her assumption of the narrative idiom of the popular novel and her mimicry of a childish language are carefully calculated .
16 That his theology was orthodox and that his support for the monarch and the political establishment was unswerving are important .
17 This connection hints again that Fitzgerald led Eliot to the East , and that his reading in the history of religion affected his view of nineteenth-century poetry .
18 A slightly less elaborate statement is much cited in Australia : the applicant must satisfy the court ‘ that the witness is out of the jurisdiction of the court , that his evidence is material and that his attendance within the jurisdiction can not be procured ’ ; it seems to have been derived from a similar observation of Lindley L.J .
19 Edward made his own views clear by stating that he regarded the 1328 treaty as invalid because it had been made when he was a minor and under the tutelage of others and that his title to the overlordship of Scotland should be reasserted .
20 Jennings argued that Dicey 's ideas on sovereignty were overly conceptualistic and that his concept of the rule of law was based on an individualistic , laissez-faire philosophy .
21 As security it was agreed that Mr. O'Brien would guarantee the payment by the company of its indebtedness and that his liability under the guarantee would be secured by a second charge over the house which was believed to have an equity of about £100,000 .
22 No-one understood more clearly in November 1911 than Havelock Wilson that although the strike victory of that year represented a major gain to the union , the Shipping Federation 's abandonment of " the Ticket " was a reluctant one and that his battle against the managerial prerogatives claimed by the shipowners in manning their vessels and paying their crews was far from over .
23 I pointed out that Abu Tariq was an older man who deserved respect and that his desire for a quiet life did n't give Mazzin the right to abuse him .
24 Although it is now clear that Sutherland 's attempt to fit , indeed squash , corporate crime into his theory of differential association has not proved comfortable , and that his concentration on the economic as opposed to the physical and social effects of corporate crime made his study too one-sided , it none the less did , at the time , constitute a rich legacy to bequeath to criminology .
25 Hence the perception that , however hard he tries — and it was brave of him to go to the wall at all — Mr Clinton will always carry this particular cross , and that his relations with the armed services will always be shaped by it .
26 Whereas in the 6th edition the re-written §246 dismisses the above as ‘ all my experience permitted me to say at the time … and that his research of the previous five years had wholly solved the difficulties of repetition .
27 He said he thought I had developed a very strong activity programme , and that my rapport with the guests was incredible .
28 A key element of obtaining that price would be your ability to demonstrate that the profits to October have been met and that your outlook on the future market is still as good as when we last met with your colleagues .
29 For the ILP had six times the membership of the Communist Party , and although its contacts with the unemployed were not as strong , it had a much larger electoral following than the Communists in predominantly industrial areas .
30 My mother is wont to say , ‘ Ooh , I love a good film , ’ and although her idea of a good film generally involves Barbara Stanwyck losing life , love and dignity in a plain brown felt hat , and mine involves Daniel Day Lewis in a Czechoslovakian accent , moody lighting and no clothes , I sort of agree with her .
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