Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [noun] [verb] [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Often there would be some drama : Razia , the loudest and most ebullient of Chaman 's chelas would be wringing her hands and weeping because her new boyfriend had gone off to Ajmer or because Chaman had called her a tart or because her pet goat had gone missing ; she always suspected her neighbours were planning to slaughter it .
2 Then would come the bitter pill , or as Jerry had termed it , our price for the outing .
3 People stepped around her as she stood there , debating how much of the tale was true and where Wainfleet had got it .
4 The Retirement Care Group , a company which specialises in managing retirement schemes , estimates that more than 4,000 sheltered properties are on the market and that builders have cut their original forecast of 12,000 units built this year back to about 8,000 as a result .
5 because he could n't do it and that Gavin had done it yeah it 's amazing in n it , yeah
6 That up to the time in Edinburgh , the Monotype machines have been largely , if not chiefly , operated by women , and that women have proved themselves entirely competent to work these machines , so that it seems a great hardship that women should be debarred from working at them in future .
7 ‘ Somebody told me that they saw the Bad Seeds recently and the show was being recorded , and that Blixa had had his volume knob turned down the whole time !
8 Julia realised that she was shaking and that Ian had taken her hand in his .
9 It knew that the incident had been the only serious act of indiscipline during the strike and that Wilson had used it in his speech to taunt and smear the Ulster people .
10 There was , however , evidence that public sector homes have been poorly maintained and that councils had spent their money elsewhere .
11 The University guarantees a place in University Halls , Student Houses or flats to all new first year undergraduates who live outwith the boundary of the City of Edinburgh , provided that their application form has reached the Student Accommodation Service by 1st September and that UCAS has confirmed their academic place at the University of Edinburgh as UF by the same date .
12 In his testimony to Congress in July 1987 — which had been given under immunity and was , therefore , inadmissible at his trial — Poindexter had said that he alone had authorized the Iran-contra operation and that Reagan had known nothing of it [ see pp. 35828-29 ] .
13 They later discovered he 'd broken his leg in a road accident 6 weeks earlier , and although Odey had taken it to the vet he 'd ignored advice to have it operated on .
14 And although Gramps had left her enough money for just this purpose she 'd been hoping to live cheaply so that she could stay in Ireland for at least a month , see as much of the country as she could .
15 And if Oliver had betrayed him , as he had betrayed all the others , what would she have been able to do for the Chartist candidate then ?
16 Norman Williamson who rode him at Leopardstown , observed afterwards that he was a National horse when talking to Richard Dunwoody about the race and if Richards has retained his old magic , then there could quite well be another National winner destined to return home in triumph to his Lake District stables .
17 and if Leicester had beaten I forgot who it was , whoever they drew against , they would have been third .
18 ‘ Anyway , the police will have checked everyone 's movements very carefully and if Eddie had left her office during Tuesday afternoon I 'm sure they 'd know about it . ’
19 Of course , it has always been axiomatic that no treaty amendments can ever be operative unless and until parliament has approved them .
20 It has meant , that churches need to be bold and be young or a threat to what we belong to as the edges between church and and community have blurred we are now much more vulnerable .
21 And because men have distanced themselves from ‘ the weaker sex ’ over the ages , setting themselves up as superior , it must be unbearably humiliating to need and desire women so much .
22 You need a bit of luck in these games and while England have had it over the years , Wales have n't .
23 There was n't too much to tell , and after Rutherford had finished he would leave the American in the room with the file and let him gut it for himself .
24 Mrs Kirkley ate one of Millie 's buns and praised it highly ; and after Annabel had eaten one , and then asked if she might have another , her mother exclaimed in mock sternness , ‘ Oh !
25 This option enables you to view the list of assessors for a particular Design Change ( DC ) and whether thay have assessed it .
26 Rose , for her part , thought that McAllister talked funny , and when Sally-Anne had told her that she came from the United States of America she had stared at her as though she had said that she came from the moon .
27 Still looking doubtful , she went off to fill the order , and when Ellie had eaten it all , down to the very last scrap , and had two cups of coffee , she came back to stand at the table , full of admiration and amazement .
28 It was just the sort of thing the boys liked , and when Hilary had fetched their suppers — a cold Scotch egg each — from the kitchen , they all sat watching it .
29 She looked up and waved as the Golf drove past and when Melissa had put it away and locked the garage door , she rammed her fork into the ground and strolled over for a chat .
30 And when Amabel had discovered his close relationship to such ancient and noble families as the Larks of Moorby Hall and the Covington-Pyms , she had written out his invitation card at once .
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