Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] it would be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We should assess the current and future requirements for GIS within RBGE , to determine whether or not it would be cost-effective to acquire our own expertise and hardware in-house , or contract out our GIS work .
2 An evaluation of whether or not it would be desirable to extend judicial activity in this area will be undertaken in section III , after the role of market forces in shaping management behaviour has been examined .
3 This incident inevitably raised the old argument of whether or not it would be wise to carry arms on our Cutters .
4 It would have been inconsiderate , and the possibility was not discussed , although Groa , moving from hall to hall with her husband , took the chance to pack a few extra boxes with thick clothes and blankets , and spent a little time during her last call at Orphir studying the crucifix Bishop Jon had pinned over her bed and wondering whether or not it would be Christian to pray for a wind .
5 She was sitting on the side of her bed , trembling with worry for him , undecided whether or not it would be safe to discard her bath towel and go to his help , when she heard a footstep on the stairs and bundled back into bed , anxious to conceal the unattractive evidence of her nasty little experience .
6 Furthermore , apart from the fact that it is often unclear , as a matter of law , whether a decision is illegal or not ( and so it would be unsafe just to ignore it ) , it is not the case that a void decision is for ever void .
7 The extent to which entomological publication rates are typical of the whole field of biology is unknown , however , and so it would be unwise to use his figures to compare biology with the earth sciences .
8 The extent to which entomological publication rates are typical of the whole field of biology is unknown , however , and so it would be unwise to use his figures to compare biology with the earth sciences .
9 Boeing paid for it all , and perhaps it would be well for the more cynically-minded who believe aircraft manufacturers are only in the business to make money to remember that Boeing had no legal obligation to contribute a single penny .
10 Erm this has been prepared by Mr erm and perhaps it would be helpful if he gave you the flavour of it .
11 Coupon values had been placed upon every conceivable article , and henceforth it would be illegal to buy anything without surrendering the appropriate number of clothing coupons .
12 Both logistically and procedurally it would be impossible for all four cases to be pursued to trial at the same time , and it was therefore natural for the Barclays ( Asia ) and West L.B. matters to be placed in relative suspense , whilst attention was concentrated on Carrian and B.M.F.L.
13 Secondly , the new proximity of the original side windows to the floor of the living-room quickly revealed the propensity of the stained-glass panels to admit draughts and clearly it would be wise to install secondary glazing within these openings to seal leaks , even at the expense of losing an uninhibited view of the coloured glass .
14 They are the same size , have the same green skin , and overall it would be hard to tell one from another were it not for their distinctive styles of dress and skin painting .
15 Beatrix Potter and Tove Jansson are examples , and indeed it would be difficult to think of anyone illustrating the Moomin stories other than their author .
16 A normal child of 3 is far from being a completely effective language user , and yet it would be inappropriate to target that child for therapy .
17 And yet it would be unfair to deny the validity of art , that open forum in which we unceasingly sound out our emotional and intellectual understanding , merely because it has not had immediate effect on events in society .
18 All this , it is suggested , was met by very little resistance from the Church or other parts of the Establishment , and yet it would be wrong , he argues , to feel that there was popular support for permissive morality .
19 It implies describing carefully the nature , extent and implications of any problems prior to intervention ; saying what it is you might do to alter these and why it would be beneficial to try ; describing how best this might be brought about ; saying in advance what kinds of public test might be applied to support the view that something worthwhile has been achieved ; pursuing a solution , and then defending the results against criticism from peers ( Sheldon , 1986 , p. 224 ) .
20 If we were gon na say , right , this only is gon na apply to mega- projects , tt and therefore it would be appropriate for the project coordinator to be the person to sit down at the start of the job , when he 's agreeing the remit with the client , when he 's developing the erm tt er who 's doing what within the functions .
21 I , I do n't believe that to be the case because further information was provided to the er legal representatives of the prospective purchase indicating very clearly that the brochures were an estimate , or the costs in the brochures were an estimate or the cost in the brochures were an estimate and therefore it would be subject to adjustment
22 But perhaps it would be nice if somebody gave you a gift voucher for Christmas and it said an eyebrow trim , and you were dying to have an eyebrow trim but you did n't know where to come , and perhaps you were a little bit frightened about having one , so , it might , you know , get you to come into the salon .
23 Not only would it be impossible to identify the goods which were at the buyer 's risk but also it would be impossible to identify any goods which were pro rata at his risk .
24 Yes , I mean you could put it in the minutes , but also it would be quick at the next meeting of this sub-committee is after the election , it 'll be some time in June , so a quick way of dealing with it would be to put it in the bulletin , yes , but also , but I 'll put it in the minutes , as well .
25 Few would have dared to predict in the late 1960s that duvets would ever catch on in this country , but today it would be hard to find a British household that does n't have one .
26 I realize that this was done without any intention of hurting anyone , but maybe it would be good to point out that this term can and does offend .
27 The signature certainly looked right , he 'd seen it often enough , but then it would be easy for Himmler to get the Führer 's signature on something , just one document amongst many .
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