Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] it 's [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A simple structure for the plot interest and also , or possibly it 's quite nice to include a little bit of humour .
2 Over here , and luckily it 's almost legitimate .
3 Our pond is surrounded by crazy paving and slabs and so it 's not possible to put canes around from which cotton can be stretched across the pond .
4 And so it 's not difficult to become a Christian , it is not hard to get saved .
5 Yes , because er in the university when I was studying at home , we have not er this tutor system like here and so it 's really strange , but I think it 's a good idea of , er talking to your lecturers as equal people .
6 I know that sounds kind of spiritual and weird , but I really do ; I feel like this was important to him and so it 's really important to me .
7 You 've all of you , there 's no denying it , you 've all too often taken advantage of Eleanor , and so it 's only right and proper now you should respect the fact she has a life of her own . ’
8 but they 've , they 've written anyway and so it 's very difficult to , to think of things to say and erm
9 And so it 's very important to get this completed really well tt because then there should n't be too many queries later on .
10 and so it 's very important that you give the bearing correctly .
11 I love it now and apparently it 's quite fashionable to have red hair .
12 Mine 's awful on a broom and anyway it 's too easy to recognize . ’
13 When Adobe did Caslon I know that they had certain things in their minds they could n't get out of and thus it 's not real Caslon .
14 And also it 's rather disturbing ? ’
15 ‘ Yes and also it 's rather disturbing . ’
16 And also it 's quite useful for the
17 ‘ Well , I 've told you what I wanted to tell you , and now it 's rather late . ’
18 and now it 's as good as new !
19 ‘ I always wanted to die young and now it 's too late , ’ she said .
20 I mean , we could , one of the big problems you know in science is people only start protesting things when they think they 're credible , and often it 's very difficult to get people , first of all to think it 's credible , before they erm before you can get the tests .
21 And today it 's as hard to believe it happened as it was thirty years ago .
22 Look I know we said we would n't talk about it and maybe it 's not fair cos I do n't know what state you 'll be in when you get this , but why do n't we just move to the country and have babies ?
23 Went down there with all the wine bottles from Christmas do n't do but and then it 's completely ruined !
24 Erm , and then it 's not far from there from Ki to Kittsbeil you know , sort
25 and then it 's right warm when I come in .
26 Most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to be bothered that other people 's freedoms and rights are being infringed , until it happens to them , and then it 's too late . ’
27 And sometimes it 's pretty hard to get the one on the end in because they 've , you 've got jugs and things , and so you 're pushing them all up .
28 ‘ In terms of personality and character he is the biggest name around there 's nobody else within miles of him and sometimes it 's really bad for poor old Gazza ’
29 And sometimes it 's quite difficult I think to get away from middle persons because that is it 's part of the structure of the c the country you 're dealing with and so to cut down on exploitation from the mi but as to how far you can actually impose your , your culture as well .
30 And sometimes it 's too quick yes ?
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