Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ego can itself be an object for libidinal attachments , as it is in narcissism , a stage in the development , or rather the starting-point for development , of every person .
2 The beast , or rather the cloud of smoke , kept lunging at Little Billy , but Swan was too quick for him and jinked away every time .
3 It 's no accident that Svidrigailov is the only one in the novel to handle yellow paper money , just as it 's no accident that children are frightened of him and run away ‘ in indescribable terror ’ because ( so we understand in our bones ) they smell death on him , or rather the unattachment to life which defeats even Sonya Marmeladov .
4 The hole , or rather the volume of waste material that is dug from it , has greatly bothered conservationists .
5 But puberty , or rather the onset of menstruation , changed all that .
6 An experienced teacher may be wary of revealing uncertainties for fear of losing status in the eyes of colleagues , or perhaps the chance of promotion .
7 Liquid Crystals These are more or less the opposite to glass .
8 As we have seen , some of the earlier and more enthusiastic apologists for pluralism , such as Dahl and Plamenatz , did suggest both that the spread of pressure and interest groups covered more or less the whole of society and also that such groups competed with each other on a roughly equal basis .
9 And the child grew in wisdom and strength , but his flesh was no mere phantom or merely the appearance of flesh : he belonged to the human race .
10 Each new kind of medium is likely to have its own built in obsolescence whether deficiencies these are inherent or merely the result of replacement by newer and more efficient technologies .
11 This process requires judgements to be made based on the output of the risk analysis , i.e. it decides whether or not the level of risk is tolerable .
12 In the United States the Supreme Court , in Marbury v Madison ( 1803 ) 1 Cranch 137 , declared that it had power to decide whether or not the Acts of Congress conformed with the Constitution .
13 The essential matter which has been argued before me is whether or not the order for payment out to Crossman Block should now be confirmed .
14 In 1987 , the Howarth Bill took a different route , proposing to add an alternative test based on whether or not the work in question was ‘ grossly offensive to a reasonable person ’ .
15 Whether or not the law of negligence was correctly applied a hundred years ago in Walker v. Great Northern Railway Co. of Ireland , 28 L.R.Ir. 69 , it has since then been evolving .
16 The statement ended : ‘ The decision on whether or not the mining of uranium is commenced in Ireland is one which will have profound and serious implications for the entire country .
17 However , deficiencies in the ability of the study to accurately record information on the cause of death meant that it could not be shown whether or not the reduction in mortality had been due to a reduction in diarrhoea-related deaths and hence due to the programme .
18 Whether or not the teaching of study skills already features on your syllabus , we feel you can not fail to be impressed by A Study Skills Handbook and its relevance to the university student .
19 The scheme is applicable whether or not the school in question is the student 's main base .
20 The villagers and the British agreed in principle that ‘ theft ’ was wrong , but differing conceptions of property rights resulted in differing opinions about whether or not the taking of plantation produce was really theft .
21 The situation without a check varies depending on whether or not the action in question has an escapement mechanism .
22 This is to allow the Commission an opportunity to determine whether or not the aid in question is compatible with the Treaty of Rome .
23 Recording is an index of whether or not the method of intervention is effective over time and , in turn , of whether or not the child 's behaviour is changing — be it for better or worse .
24 To the perspectival appearance at that point of view being what it is it makes no difference whether or not the point of view is occupied by a viewer .
25 The basic principles set out in this Code will apply whether or not the lending in question is secured .
26 A party of people sets out on a journey with all its different components like the jumbled up pieces of a jigsaw puzzle , Sophia thought , waiting for something — some event or just the passing of time — to fit them together into a whole .
27 Was it any more accurate , or just the load of mumbo-jumbo I said it was ? ’
28 Sooner or later The Course of Time it 'll
29 No , it 's not the supplier or even the choice of hardware which worries me .
30 as to cheerfulness of character , I really think that any unprejudiced person would come to the conclusion that , if compared with the Post-office , the Museum , the Palace , or even the Board of Trade or Whitehall Chapel , my design would carry the palm in this respect .
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