Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pers pn] [be] [adj] that " in BNC.

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31 What really counted was the attitude of government to the implementation and observance of legislation , especially at local level , and here it is clear that from the moment the Radical leader , Lerroux , first assumed the premiership in September 1933 a dramatic reaction set in .
32 He also planned to entertain at the Priory his neighbours and friends , and here it was possible that he received fresh warnings of danger , as on finishing his dinner he hurriedly set off for Halling and was scarcely clear of the city when a riot broke out and the mob tried to pillage the Priory .
33 I I brought a barrel of lager for er from downstairs and then it 's all that we had .
34 So when it comes before the Council I will let the Town Clerk have this and then it 's important that , if the Council agrees , they should be included .
35 If the panel is satisfied and indeed you are satisfied that the level of provision in North Yorkshire is necessary to provide employment for those persons who will be resident in North Yorkshire , what is the problem ?
36 Again , no formal theory of attention is developed and indeed it is unclear that some mechanism other than that involved in abstraction is necessary — the distinctive features of an object or event are likely to be the invariants and the irrelevant aspects those that vary from presentation to presentation .
37 The Belfast methods , on the other hand , were developed primarily for the study of closeknit communities — and indeed it is likely that they are particularly and rather generally suitable for urban or rural communities of this type .
38 That believes that local councils should operate services , should do it at the dictate of the department of the environment and indeed it 's regrettable that we are surrounded by some local authorities who feel that their world is precisely that .
39 She was in love , she thought he was in love with her and yet she was concerned that there might be another woman hovering in the background .
40 Back in his own home , it seemed incredible to George that he had actually seen Tamar 's attacker at Thorsbury , and yet he was certain that the groom was the same man .
41 A composer was credited for ‘ Music ’ , but clearly he was not the composer of that extract , and yet I 'm sure that even some of the people who wanted half an hour with the matey biologist would have welcomed the recording details .
42 The usual view is that they are all suffering from the same disease and yet it is plain that there are marked differences between the reaction of one patient to that of another .
43 In the Musical Offering the degree of chromaticism is notable , and yet it is obvious that Bach 's ideal was to use true intervals consistently , introducing a wide variety of modulation .
44 Experiencing joy through suffering is a paradox , and yet it was this that marked the life of Jesus .
45 Its only rallying cry remained free trade ; and yet it was clear that the 1931 election would result in a protectionist majority .
46 And why it 's vital that you help us to stop it .
47 This is because the liberalization process in Japan occurred simultaneously with that elsewhere and therefore it is possible that the variable may also capture any previously rationed investments from other localities .
48 It is known that approximately 30% of benign tumours will become ‘ invasive ’ and therefore it is possible that an increase in protein synthesis , which would be needed for further growth , might herald the development of the malignant phenotype and invasion by the tumour cells .
49 Some visitors may have proved to be undesirable or objectionable , or perhaps have left without paying their bill , and therefore it is essential that this type of guest be blacklisted for future reference .
50 When a VCID is used the total motor/load inertia includes the damper housing inertia and therefore it is important that this inertia be as small as possible .
51 In an open-loop control scheme there is no feedback of load position to the controller and therefore it is imperative that the motor responds correctly to each excitation change .
52 She wished she had n't seen that , but perhaps it was best that she had .
53 Our relationship does seem to be improving but obviously I 'm worried that we now seem to be paying 50% more than we expected .
54 But soon it was clear that the dairyman did not want so many dairymaids at this time of year .
55 But already it is certain that the challenges ahead are at least as daunting as anything the Cold War produced .
56 Unfortunately were not successful in winning the small towns category on this occasion but nevertheless I am sure that members would want to congratulate on their considerable success in the regional finals of this prestigious competition .
57 This is unfair criticism — Gooch produces a mass of indicative , albeit necessarily speculative , evidence in favour of his hypothesis — but nevertheless it is true that our knowledge of the past is and has to be based on the artefacts surviving from that past : lacking the artefacts , all we can do is make an educated deduction .
58 If we had included more papers in the sample the coverage might have appeared more dense , but nevertheless it is clear that it is a minority of unusual cases which get most press exposure .
59 But still it was clear that , amidst her preoccupations , there was scarcely room to think of him as anything more than a temporary ally .
60 Perhaps once , in the past , your political life was adequately organized , but now it is clear that there is laziness and selfishness in every part of the system .
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