Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] an " in BNC.

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1 I sat down with LIFE and worked through their philosophy , erm in line with our own as it were , and they agreed , and I would ask them to agree this year that any paperwork or any leaflets they distribute make it very clear that a choice remains for a woman in terms of whether or not she should have an abortion , because LIFE is fairly , yes , Michael ?
2 If ever I was asked what Nigel ‘ did ’ , I would reply that he was a designer , or sometimes I 'd say an inventor , but he always spoke of himself as an engineer .
3 Others do not mention the possible approval of others , and apparently have no idea why the image attracts them , nor why they should feel an inner compulsion to conform to it .
4 Energy is thus dispersed and so we might expect an increase in entropy and not a decrease .
5 Her cream shoes were far from waterproof , and already she could feel an unpleasant sensation around her toes .
6 To expand on the plan of the present chapter : I shall begin by discussing the notions of ‘ social collectivity ’ and ‘ political force ’ ; the relevance of the division of labour to the formation of social collectivities will then be considered ; the content of the notions of ‘ middle class ’ and ‘ working class ’ ( in the British context ) will be explored in this light , and finally I shall offer an overview of the development of the dominant political forces and their constituencies in the post-war period .
7 And also I 'd like an indication as we go through of the relative weights that you might want to give to individual criterion .
8 ‘ I 'll only be a moment … and maybe we 'll do an extra blood-sugar reading in a little while to make sure being upset is n't making it go wonky . ’
9 Come on , I 'm hungry , let's go get some lunch and then we 'll find an estate agent .
10 I mean the main thing is people can borrow on the true price of the house and then they can have an 80 or 90 per cent mortgage and when they come to pay the mortgage they have the £500 subsidy for twelve months or take them into the next twelve months .
11 I used to have Physics at half-nine and every now and then she 'd have an accident in the road so I 'd be running home , changing her and taking her back to nursery , which would mean I 'd be half an hour late .
12 Unwinding , we sink into the armchair with a coffee cup , and gaze out of the window , and then he 'll see an outline across the road ( now what ? ) , through the fence , through the leaves , and he 'll vainly crane and peer , and tip forward on to his feet .
13 You can then complete it and then he will make an appointment with you to come to your house and he 'll spend quite a lot of time they really do ascertaining your personal circumstances .
14 ‘ But I wo n't know how bad the damage is until I see the physio tomorrow , and then I may have an idea if I have a chance of playing in the first league game . ’
15 Much conscious fantasy is different ; we may ‘ tell a story ’ to ourselves ( or listen to a story and fantasise it as about ourselves ) ; and sometimes we may attempt an imagined resolution , through fantasy , of some aspect of our social situation .
16 So if I sort of stumble and start now and again you 'll get an idea of what the problem is .
17 Anyway , I 've cut down considerably and every now and again I 'd try an ’ stop and fall off the rails again .
18 So , to the extent that changes in Y t are due to such changes in v t rather than will appear to be unaffected by expected income as we measure it , and therefore we shall obtain an estimate of α 1 which will tend to be less than the true value of α : 1 .
19 Well erm in our organisation and it was in our submission that we felt that it er it should belong wholly to erm the employer erm it should belong to the beneficiaries as well , because we feel very strongly that the pension is deferred pay , it is deferred salary , and therefore they should have an ownership of part ownership in that fund .
20 Students come here primarily to get a degree , but also they should get an understanding of the basic laws of the universe .
21 But here we will make an end of it and leave a sign for all time that it should not be so . ’
22 And erm with these you changed them both into sixths did n't you could have changed them both into twelfths and it would have work but then we 'll get an answer that needs we would have got sixth twelfths well it still comes to a half .
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