Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] me " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps you would like me to inveigle her out of her self-imposed purdah and come up here instead of you going down to Four Winds . ’
2 Yeah actually , I 'd be interested if someone sitting on the planning committee , or perhaps a director erm , yeah or perhaps you could tell me , er , why why if the planning committee members are so concerned about this , did they grant the planning permission ?
3 Would it hold up for the half-minute or so it would take me to drive across ?
4 And he had visitors and so they could hear me singing .
5 Burun loves power , but also he desires order in the land and so he will protect me .
6 ‘ He 'll be happy to be alive and perhaps he 'll help me to escape . ’
7 And perhaps you 'll tell me how much I owe for my board and lodging , ’ she added .
8 I 'll give you my phone number and perhaps you will ring me and we can make an appointment to see the builder . "
9 I am in fearful danger and only you can save me .
10 C. You teach me to despise her and think like you , and soon you 'll leave me and I 'll have no one at all .
11 And soon it will catch me up and I 'll be bloodsuckled and toothpluckled and stonechuckled and chewed up into tiny pieces , and then the Spittler will spit me out in a cloud of smoke and that will be the end of me ! ’
12 Show them that I 'm willing to come off it and hopefully they 'll bail me out .
13 So you know , I say things like oh I 'm going down to see Zoey now before dinner and like she 'll follow me down or something and I 'll say oh are you going into the saloon or like to try and get her to not come with me , then I feel so guilty I think well poor Marina , you know , she 's here in a foreign country , she has n't got any friends and she 's all by herself and I would n't like it if I was in her position
14 And now you would have me add yours ?
15 ‘ Please do n't break your promise to Dana — I shall survive ; and now you must excuse me , I have a lot to do before I go to the NEC . ’
16 But at last I learned to know what a lie was : to induce my mother to stop beating me I would lie — I would say , yes , I had lied and was sorry , and then she would whip me for having withheld the admission so long .
17 She 'd let me get half-way close and then she would push me away .
18 Her kindness touched me , but I knew that soon she would hear the lies about me , and then she would hate me !
19 And then she can do me .
20 I would do it in a nice way and then he might remember me and ask me out later . ’
21 On Father 's Day I think what he 'd like best is to go shopping and then he 'll take me out , to Dunstable Downs to see the gliders . ’
22 Most women do n't really have a very high opinion of themselves , so if you start treating them as something special they think , ‘ Oh God , sooner or later he 'll find out the truth , and then he 'll despise me . ’
23 ‘ Your need 's greater than mine , ’ and then he 'd tell me about the new necklace he 'd bought for his missus .
24 He 'd chain-smoke a couple of Merits while we chatted about what had happened since our last meeting and then he 'd hand me over to the guy in the room next door for a routine polygraph .
25 When I was a trainee my deputy fresh foods went it with me , and like he 'd sit there and he 'd say right this is how you do it at first and then he 'd let me do some and well I 'd do them and he 'd say why have you done that and I 'd tell him and then he 'd let me do it
26 When I was a trainee my deputy fresh foods went it with me , and like he 'd sit there and he 'd say right this is how you do it at first and then he 'd let me do some and well I 'd do them and he 'd say why have you done that and I 'd tell him and then he 'd let me do it
27 ‘ You just got ta see it , ’ said Sam stubbornly , ‘ and then you 'll believe me . ’
28 I will send you one of your brothers and then you must send me the passengers .
29 Well I 've sort of got a note to say who did what this week , so I could tell you what I 've done this week and then you could tell me what you 've done this week .
30 ‘ It would be much easier if I went in first and then you could push me up , ’ said Fenella .
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