Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 As luck would have it , Sophie had had no arrangement of her own for this evening , and , either forgetting our pact , or not taking my need for it seriously as she knew my activities were , on her terms , so innocent , had dropped in to borrow some coffee .
2 If you 've not used the colour changer before , or not used your ribber for more than welts , it is wise to start by using the colour changer just to knit striped plain rib .
3 If you rent your TV and video you can save money by suspending or even cancelling your contract for the period you are away .
4 Doctors ordered the star , who had been playing up to 150 gigs every year for the last 10 years , to rest or maybe wreck his voice for good .
5 The Council accepted the report , amending one sentence to-read : ‘ For reasons which are apparent from the rest of this report the Visiting Party could not feel assured that the Director was fully and properly exercising his responsibility for the ‘ internal organisation and management and discipline of the Polytechnic ’ , in accordance with the Articles of Government' .
6 His new status made it much easier to raise money for expeditions and so satisfy his quest for adventure .
7 It was probable that he had not , and best in any case not to go near ; soon he would miss her , want her back , and perhaps give his permission for the marriage despite all he had said to the contrary .
8 Wainwright is fifth choice at Bramall Lane and only made his debut for the reserves on Wednesday .
9 This is simply an agreement by each creditor to hold off and not to press his claim for settlement for an agreed period as long as the other creditors do likewise .
10 Although Joe Nichols in the New York Times wrote that ‘ Lester Piggott rode with the competence that has stamped him as one of the world 's great riders , and brought his mount home in time ’ , the Washington Post thought that ‘ there could be fault-finding with Piggott 's tactics in tucking in on the rail and not asking his mount for more of the effort he had in reserve ’ .
11 He was nothing if not open-minded , adapting English ingredients to his own purposes and forever exercising his gift for fantasy .
12 The Glass-Steagall Act and the McFadden Act prevented banks from operating in more than a few states at a time , and also restricted their scope for involvement in the securities markets and other financial services — areas where their international competitors already had wide powers .
13 Lt. Stirling injured his spine and also lost his sight for about an hour .
14 These changes gave museums the right to retain what they earned , to privatise some of their services such as restaurants , publishing etc , and also gave them responsibility for the maintenance of their buildings .
15 But since none of that applies to you , you will know what I mean and probably share my fondness for Munro window-shopping .
16 It was the time when many stars started to come out of the political closet and openly voiced their support for one candidate or another .
17 ANDES 21 de junio ( Asociacion Nacional de Educadores Salvadorenos ) is a founder member of the BPR and openly expresses its support for the FDR-FMLN , while both the state and the Catholic universities have been consistent critics of the lack of democratic and civil liberties and have argued cogently for the need for social and economic reforms .
18 He highlighted the importance of a well thought out training programme , and clearly shared his enthusiasm for running and his intentions for Barcelona .
19 Gas was one of the most dreaded weapons , blinding men and often destroying their health for the rest of their lives .
20 Since the 1950s there has been a fifth column of British writers who demonstrate and often acknowledge their admiration for French writing , Alain Robbe-Grillet and the nouveau roman in particular .
21 She had banned everything Irish from the house , burnt any newspapers or pamphlets that he brought home , and even searched his room for unsuitable material .
22 ‘ How can I not ? ’ he returned savagely , his hands on her shoulders stilling her and seemingly stopping her heart for an instant .
23 Old Mr Earnshaw was strangely fond of this gipsy child , and frequently punished his son for behaving badly to Heathcliff .
24 On the outbreak of war one week later , the Communist Party hesitated and then reversed its support for the war into an appeal for a " people 's peace " .
25 Step 11 Draw up and then implement your plan for bringing about change .
26 And then came your call for us to buy from W H Smith .
27 He made his worst start for years , found himself jammed in fourth place and then thought his race for the title might be over when a warning light flickered in the cockpit of the 200mph Renault-Williams .
28 He waited until it was nearly too late , and then set his alarm for the old confident time of the morning and rang up his agent to tell him to say yes .
29 They killed them and then used their blood for baking the Passover bread .
30 The whole secret is to get over the first round and then improve your display for the next game . ’
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