Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adv] i [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 When I first wrote ‘ you ’ a paragraph or so ago I meant it in the general , anonymous sense , universal second person .
2 And so therefore I think it would be appropriate er to deliver to you the report of Summers and Partners for your information .
3 I certainly felt it had done me good and now whenever I recall it , I smile .
4 And then again I think it is escapism for some of them to get pregnant where there 's so much unemployment , it 's something of their own to be proud about .
5 I spend a lot of time gloomily thinking I could n't possibly write about that , and then eventually I do it .
6 Er well I come up here about every two to three weeks and then then I leave it for about two months and then er you know do it that way .
7 But just now I think it 's just about right , for er just about right for er using .
8 ‘ Ironically by the time we came to do the first episode again , my hair had grown a little longer , so it was n't quite as eye-catching , but even so I think it 's a very unrecognised feather in Doctor Who 's cap that we created the look which launched Vidal Sassoon on his road to fame and fortune . ’
9 Er , but there again I think it was because the person doing this , was so keen to see the right result , that he read into into
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