Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] is a [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Bernard Jacobson is showing ten landscape paintings dating from 1940–60 ( to 1 April ) as part of his series of exhibitions devoted to modern and contemporary landscape art , and there is a more widely ranging survey of his long and prolific career at Waddington ( 3 March-3 April ) .
2 Another example exists at Salamanca ( 165 ) and there is a very long , many-arched bridge at Mérida ( 164 ) .
3 And he is a more consistently accurate tactical kicker from the base of the scrum than the man he replaced .
4 Modern gliders are more prone to swinging than older aircraft and it is a little more difficult to keep the wings level , so do n't relax until the glider has come to rest .
5 The remains of these edifices in Italy , France , Germany , Spain , Yugoslavia , Greece , Rumania and Asia Minor give us a clear idea of their way of life as well as their modes of building and it is a much more complete picture than that which we have from the Greek civilisation because of its very complexity and variety .
6 CAN I thank Gadfly ( Echo January 29 ) for putting a face and name to me and providing some , albeit sarcastic , coverage in The Northern But there is a little more to the story than he implies .
7 But there is a more even division in the contest for the deputy leadership , with 13 nominating Margaret Beckett , seven John Prescott , and three Bryan Gould , who is running for both jobs .
8 But there is an even more certain and just retribution which renders life more fair and that is that sufferers are compensated by their senses becoming more acute so they are able to discerning a subtler beauty .
9 But there is an even more profound way of differentiating reason , and that is in terms of its meaning for , and impact on , those who pursue it .
10 The technical accomplishment with which she plays the music is startling enough , but there is an even more surprising maturity and musicality in her interpretation .
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