Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] is also [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Gerstner is a colleague of Akers on the board of The New York Times Co , and he is also said to know former IBM chief executive Thomas Watson Jr , who lives in the same Greenwich , Connecticut suburb as Gerstner .
2 Gerstner is a colleague of Akers on the board of The New York Times Co , and he is also said to know former IBM chief executive Thomas Watson Jr , who lives in the same Greenwich , Connecticut suburb as Gerstner .
3 Three bits of documentary evidence exist : his signature is found confirming one of the of Haci Ivaz Pasa , dated 22 Dhu " l-Hijja 827/15 November 1424 ; according to Husameddin , his signature likewise appears at the top of a dated late Rabi " I 828/mid-February 1425 ; and he is also reported to have registered the of the Ulu Cami in Bursa ( built by Bayezid I ) , dated late Shawwal 828/mid-September 1425 .
4 The area is rich in raw materials such as timber and construction materials and it is also planned to attract ship repair , machinery manufacture and electronic assembly plants .
5 The film is available from larger stationers and art suppliers , and it is also used to protect the covers of books .
6 Like coffee , legend surrounds the beginning of tea drinking and it is also reputed to have kept awake an ancient priest throughout a long vigil , stimulating him with its caffeine .
7 But he is also expected to tackle the monarch over the damage done to Britain 's image by younger royals .
8 But it is also beginning to realise that , unless it is careful , it could also face opposition from more unexpected quarters .
9 The primary outcome of the project will be a descriptive account of the employment characteristics of establishments in British industry , which can be compared with the situation recorded by the 1980 survey , but it is also hoped to consider the findings in the context of current debates about labour market segmentation .
10 The rationalization is that everything is done in the interests of the patient , but it is also designed to protect professionals from feelings that are , for them , genuinely intolerable .
11 Education , for example , benefits those who receive it because it enhances their employment prospects or because they enjoy studying , but it is also held to yield external benefits in producing a socialized , literate and informed citizenry .
12 The legislation 's main aim is to safeguard research and storage of embryos , but it is also attempting to monitor a complex set of issues .
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