Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] is [adv] [adj -er] than " in BNC.

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1 The tax on businesses is much lighter here than in France , and it is also lower than in Germany .
2 It can not be compared with the ‘ big six ’ national brewers ( Allied , Bass , Courage , Watneys , Whitbread , and Scottish and Newcastle ) , and it is significantly smaller than the main ‘ regional ’ brewers ( i.e. Greenall Whitley and Boddingtons ) , but it nevertheless retains a market niche as a regional brewery specializing in distinctive , good quality beers .
3 Jewsbury says the glass is as good as any slow-release medium — and it is much cheaper than others that have been developed .
4 If the council receives a large number of letters about a development , this will give it an idea of the strength of feeling involved and it is much better than a petition .
5 I think they 're probably a little bit more expensive but he is much cheaper than in
6 Wage evidence could also be noted , but it is even scarcer than price data , and it remains as yet uncertain whether any particular trend swill be discernable .
7 Phage φ29 has a linear genome whose degree of supercoiling in the cell is not known , but it is probably lower than that of a plasmid .
8 But it is considerably worse than that , as the story quickly makes clear .
9 They complain about the expense , but it is still better than the alternative : ‘ Before , we worked the fields with pure lung power ’ .
10 It is not the best of assignments , says one experienced blue-beret wearer , but it is still better than Lebanon .
11 Scrutiny of EC legislation is not perfect but it is far better than in all other Parliaments in Europe , except the Folketing in Denmark .
12 Read in this way , community policing in Northern Ireland seems designed exclusively to improve relations between the police and Catholics , but it is much wider than this for it is also employed in Protestant t areas like Easton , where the existence of ‘ ordinary crime ’ ensures that the police are keen to improve crime prevention by better relations with the public generally .
13 But it is much smaller than the American store .
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