Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] may be [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or there may be regret for the loss of the rewards of professionalism , as in this woman 's comments about nursing :
2 If the cutting edge digs in then stop immediately and cut from the other direction , or there may be danger of a piece splitting away .
3 This may be a specialist unit trust company or it may be part of some other large financial grouping , a subsidiary of a retail or merchant bank for example .
4 For that reason , it would be wise to retain a special offence for road-traffic cases , and there may be merit in retaining offences with particular labels in other spheres .
5 Sometimes there will be two candidates who are fairly evenly matched and there may be uncertainty about which should be appointed .
6 Not people who are experienced in object programming , but who may be expert in legal or manufacturing objects , for instance .
7 The receptor for TGLP-1 in the rat gastric mucosa seems to be different from that for glucagon-29 , but they may be part of a closely related family .
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