Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] will be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Kip quiet or you 'll be sent to prison and fed on bread and wayter .
2 ‘ We can not afford a hope-for-the best cavalier approach or we will be cut to pieces on the break . ’
3 ‘ He has n't done anyone any favours and I 'll be talking to him about it .
4 ‘ His approach showed no respect and I 'll be talking to his coach . ’
5 I will be running a tighter ship , and I will be speaking to each of you personally about my expectations of you .
6 , the Head of the Junior School , and I will be speaking to all prospective parents and children at 10.00 a.m. , after which pupil guides will be available to escort you .
7 Richard and I will be moved to the Garden Tower and there lodged on the upper floor . ’
8 At any moment , I thought , these people will remove their green hats to reveal powdered wigs , and I will be sentenced to life imprisonment or a job with British Rail .
9 However , the issue of the relationship between classical deterrence and interactionist ‘ labelling ’ clearly needs further attention , and I will be returning to it in Chapter 8 .
10 I think Amber has had some during biology but it is not enough and I will be talking to the Parent Teachers Association about it . ’
11 And now , like as not , Sam 'll win at the fishing and you 'll be trothed to him — a bastard of Sir Gregory 's . "
12 Erm you find that more and more constant repetition , each time you go back to it , there 's less that you 've forgotten , less that seems new and more that seems obvious and you 'll be saying to yourself , sort of m You know of course Yeah I do n't need to read this , tat 's obvious that 's obvious .
13 I just wondered what those contexts and you will be bound to be asked it in council if it 's not asked now .
14 You have to lie curled up on you side and you will be attached to a drip and a fetal monitor so you wo n't be able to move around .
15 Tommy Cooper talking at length about when he ruled at the Den and we 'll be talking to about his Norwegian career and his arrival at the City ground .
16 And we 'll be talking to the N S P C C in a few moments .
17 That 's just about it from us for tonight … apart from to say that the film star Warren Beatty is in the region and we 'll be talking to him in tomorrow night 's programme …
18 ‘ We are not at all pleased with them and we will be speaking to the college about what occurred . ’
19 This means that you must agree to assign that part of your rights to us and we will be subrogated to those rights .
20 These problems have now been rectified and we will be writing to Mr Bergg offering our profound apologies in the near future . ’
21 Thus our customers should be advised of the current level of facilities granted and that soon the maximum facilities to be granted to the company will be £135,000 and we will be looking to the guarantee for this sum which in turn is supported by the charge over the above property .
22 ‘ No-o … these things are numbered and they 'll be cross-indexed to some sort of register of names .
23 and you may find that they 've been done and they 'll be posted to your branch so they will be there when you get back on Monday .
24 But try to implicate me in any way — or use me as a trade-off- and it 'll be added to the police clear-up rate faster than the eye can follow .
25 Now the Queen 's household cavalry have offered to look after the horse and it 'll be transported to its new home early next year .
26 More than the 21 required signatories have already been gathered and it will be presented to Forest chairman Fred Reacher .
27 On the very Sunday that the new church opened we looked in vain for the empty seats in St Luke 's : it seemed that God had given to us at the mother church a new group of people who had either moved into the area or who were to be converted and we saw the truth of the saying : ‘ Give and it will be given to you , pressed down and running over . ’
28 This seems to be a law of church planting : give and it will be given to you .
29 No matter – Christian Aid will not suffer , and it will be given to the Rev. John Page on the day of his Induction at Dunlop , as a little memento for John and Janie , of Christian Aid at St. A. 's & St. G 's .
30 We will hopefully be informing people about Oxford against the Poll Tax , which is you know very important at this time with Poll Tax bills being sent out next week and it will be hoping to basically raise the profile of the campaign with the elections in mind .
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