Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] be [noun] of [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And I was chairman of it for about six years or so before the council broke up .
2 I am lucky — and she is part of my luck !
3 But the rumbling hulk of the ship was dense with the sounds and smells of men on pay-day — and she was part of their pay .
4 That 's nature , and we 're part of it .
5 We review every film licence ever licensed for the C64 — and there 's reels of 'em !
6 that is something that 'd happened all of a sudden , of about four throughout the cou , well three at the time throughout the country have suddenly gone like it within about a month or so of each other , and they 've never had any trouble before , but I was talking to Brian and he said that 's a load of cobblers , he says it 's been doing it for a long time and there 's loads of them doing it .
7 And there 's loads of them doing that .
8 The museum suffers from shortage of space and there is talk of its contents being moved to another site .
9 Ask other lawyers about George , and there is acknowledgement of his gifts , even that he is more than merely a jury man , but rarely much warmth .
10 You can , up to a point ( and we did up to that point ) , protect yourself against them with jungle gels and mustard gases , but the trees give no mercy and there are hours of them between Staddajakkstugorna , a mountain hut on the side of Kapasluoppal , and Staloluokta .
11 Options are chosen using a menu system and there are LOADS OF 'em , so , moving swiftly along …
12 And there are pages of them .
13 And there are pages of them to learn .
14 The Irish have settled into this country and there are communities of them all over do they go and see your concerts and if they do that must mean a great deal to them I should think ?
15 This remains an attractive option for some educators as can be seen in the Design Council supported Design Dimension Project ( Baynes , 1985 ) and there are echoes of it in many of LEA programmes supported by the Arts in Schools Project ( Schools Curriculum Development Committee , 1986a , 1986b and 1986c ) .
16 And there were elements of their life history which remained open to non-racist articulation .
17 His successor , Alexander I , was known as ‘ the Fierce ’ , and there were legends of his suppressing an uprising by rebels from Moray so brutally that nobody survived to explain the reasons for their disaffection .
18 The slaves were boys between ten and eighteen employed as ‘ helpers ’ , and there were scores of them
19 Yeah well I du n no I 'm dreading the Easter holidays cos I 've got like erm we 're probably gon na have about two hundred pieces of coursework to mark over Easter then there 's , and they 're sort of you know projecty things and things like that erm and then there 's first week next term there 's like all these second year social , which is well over a hundred of them plus about forty final year projects will come in , plus about I 'm hoping it 'll only be twenty things from Loughborough but it might be as many as , as fifty if the other person gives me all their marking er as they have , they 've given some indication that they will
20 It 's like this film I seen about these penguins — you know , how they all lived together on this island , and they was loads of them , all jammed together .
21 And he 's part of my fabric now … .
22 and I 'm not entirely sure , Marcus did phone me and say , at one point , when he was making up the mailing list , he 's had three hundred copies of that made of the extract and he was kind of you know , sniffing around for who to send them
23 And he was sort of he managed to get his legs round but he just could n't quite get his body up to sit up .
24 It 's produced by Christian Aid and it 's part of its Christian Aid week 's activity .
25 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
26 my holiday was later as usual and longer so , you know and there was a couple of other things not related to this which I 'd thought of doing and it 's sort of they evaporated , but erm , we did spend time talking to Ingy earlier in the year , you know , about publicity and I gave her lists of well such as things obvious things like Playback and Newsbeat
27 This qualitativeness — the ‘ manifest image of the world ’ — is irreducibly connected with what experience is subjectively like , and it is part of what is lost if consciousness is analysed away or otherwise abandoned .
28 It is ‘ making allowances ’ that is difficult , but bear in mind that the doctor does see parents who are genuinely harming their children , either mentally or physically , and it is part of his or her job to consider all the possibilities in every case .
29 China is using every negotiating device , and it is master of them all , to carve out as big a place for itself as it can in pre-1997 Hong Kong .
30 I really wanted to help them out and pointed them in the direction of Red Rhino and it was kind of their idea to put them out on Reception .
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