Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But yes , she has something or I would not have taken her .
2 Well , it was hardly intense , or I would not have forgotten it .
3 Er or I would n't have left , I would have stayed on , I liked the people .
4 ‘ Ah , but it ca n't be very evident or I would n't have had to spend an hour and half in the X-ray Department and they would n't have had to take a Complete album of me . ’
5 ‘ I had no idea , ’ she informed him earnestly , ‘ no idea at all what Rose had in mind , or I would never have gone with her .
6 The only person who ever explained what the operation was for was the nurse at the hospital , or I would never have known .
7 ‘ I feel quite certain or I should not have asked . ’
8 I thought you were an experienced professional or I 'd never have let you go in the first place !
9 I had no idea you did n't approve of go-go dancing or I 'd never have taken you there . ’
10 So you trace the , the , the , in other words the day 's residue becomes just part of the associations which leads back often to things which did n't necessarily happen today , or which may even have happened in the past .
11 Or you would n't have come , ’ Luke supplied calmly .
12 There 's several chapters convincing you that your kid really needs a computer at home ( but you know that or you would n't have bought the book ! ) and there 's a danger of ending up convincing yourself that your offspring could become educationally subnormal unless you get a computer immediately .
13 ‘ That is not what I thought , ’ said Ellen , ‘ but it must have crossed your mind or you would n't have brought it up . ’
14 ‘ Now you know … you must know , or you would not have spoken to him so , the reason I am not your wife … and can never be so , Benedict . ’
15 Or you may not have thought at all .
16 ‘ A good thing you were near Gullholm when the engine failed or you 'd never have survived . ’
17 Or she may simply have opted for motherhood without the father which normally completes the traditional ‘ set ’ .
18 On the assumption that he or she might not have carried the murder weapon away Wycliffe had ordered a search of the foreshore , and a police frogman was floundering about in the shallow off-shore waters like a porpoise on the point of stranding .
19 ‘ I swear to you that I did n't know anything about it … neither can my sister know , or she would n't have gone with Garry . ’
20 ‘ I am in the pink , ’ said Dot , though she knew she was n't or she would n't have allowed herself to weep the day before .
21 And she must have loved Hywel , or she would n't have married him . ’
22 In order to test it he or she would presumably have to examine a number of literate and non-literate societies from the point of view of their degree of ‘ scepticism ’ .
23 The tigress had seen me , or she would not have crossed the pool and hurried for shelter , as her tracks showed she had done .
24 ‘ Little did she know that she had just landed one of the world 's greatest exponents of ‘ leap before you look ’ as a buyer , or she 'd probably have persuaded you to buy London Bridge and a stake in a Peruvian gold-mine at the same time . ’
25 She hopes so too , or she 'd not have written that note though she may not realize it yet .
26 He ca n't have told Sister , or she 'd never have pitched you straight into the A.R.R. Unit .
27 It goes without saying that even if a person falls within the definition of " dependant " provided in the Act he or she will still have to prove loss arising from the death of the deceased , and in practice many relatives have no claim at all .
28 But he or she will then have to demonstrate that it is possible to make sense when using such terms .
29 Additionally , once a person is appointed , not only need the minister never account for the choice , but the likelihood is that he or she will never have to justify it on performance grounds .
30 But I would like to mention that conflicting evidence is not always the result of a social worker being inexperienced and taken in easily by appearances when he or she should obviously have checked with an independent source .
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