Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [vb base] [pers pn] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or they place it in a busy part of the house , near the back door , where people are always walking past .
2 or what have you in the chapel , they 'd go
3 I tell them that I have the heart of a small boy and I keep it in a jar on my desk ’
4 The cottagers of Pook 's Common used to have grazing rights but I 'm the only one to keep an animal now and I keep mine in a paddock belonging to Tom .
5 Look Charlotte ca n't do anything without being messy , look , the other , the other erm morning I went to school to pick Ben up , er and I put her in the car seat , she 's lovely and clean , and I give her a biscuit , by the time we got
6 On one occasion , the wife gave me a tin of beans , small kettle , and I put it in the cauldron .
7 He held out the dice and I put it in the shaker .
8 I know , I went , I got some whelks once and that was in Bay , they were lovely whelks and I put 'em in a bucket and er did n't think and now I used to put some flour in with 'em .
9 I will give back give back the books that have been signed and I want you in the the section of I just want to point out one or two things before we go on to the next .
10 You are Henry Farr the Wimbledon poisoner and I arrest you in the name of — Hang on , hang on .
11 So our suggestion is that the media , if you get it right , effectively , efficiently , economically , can do a lot of work in terms of promotional , information sharing and so on , as education , other things , and you name it in the context of your particular interest and organization .
12 I would also like , and I know this is where I 'll get problems I would if we are gon na try and get the kids into a routine over them doing their work I think the easiest routine for them to have is that you do you , you get , you have your lesson you do your homework that night and you hand it in the next day .
13 and you put them in the oven do you ?
14 some notes , and you 'd sim they 'd be numbered and you 'd lift them out and you put them in the carousel
15 Er er it was like a Molotov co bo cocktail , a thing like that and you put it in the , in the tube and you put a wad of cotton , gun cotton behind it closed the flap at the back onto er just a latch , like a , a door a gate latch which locked it , then fired the cap which fired the gun cotton which sent the well then we we 're trying this out on the waste ground where the , that was then , where the waterworks ' offices are now in Green Lane , well there that was , at that time , that was a glue factory that was the glue factory there ooh .
16 Just pay your money and you put it in the tray
17 yeah , yeah , and you read them in the international section ?
18 and you do it in the airports as well , I 've seen , I er , me uncle works in Manchester airport
19 Why and you leave it in the tub .
20 ‘ But you want more outlets for KITS and you want them in the best and most expensive locations . ’
21 It really does come down to , I do n't know , I mean , every year we play it very honestly and very straight , and we push him in a position where next year , if there is a next year , I think the last time that we played it straight we got clobbered , so let's pay a little bit less , and keep a bit back for when they come round a second time round .
22 We look for a quiet , dark place , and we do it in the car . ’
23 So presumably he 's actually believing these ideas I mean I would 've thought he , he if he came back and said there 's tension , there 's , you know it was , between the two classes and we go in and we direct them in a certain way , put the right ideas in their mind , that we can harness the revolution .
24 He or she is doing a certain thing and we interpret it in a certain way which elicits a given emotion .
25 But you can see why if you 're selling inappropriately , if you sell someone for example , a savings plan , and they cash it in the first four years , and they do n't even get what they paid in it , how they 're going to be very annoyed , because from what they could see , they were getting a savings plan .
26 And they put me in the banqueting room , erm but we could n't , d' ya know .
27 They wheel you over and they put you in the bath and they start stripping off your bandages which is absolute agony .
28 They gave me food with stones and yak dung , but it was still not enough and they put it in a urine container .
29 You take the card back next time and they put it in a machine and add more points to it .
30 How people use this and they put it in the dictionary .
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