Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [vb base] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So , we toast the railway station and I tell him the only Czech joke I know .
2 Nine years have passed since my divorce and I tell myself the half-forgotten betrayals and deceits are old news .
3 They usually need to be cooked and I use them a great deal with beans and in Mexican dishes , slicing them before cooking .
4 For me there has always been — and I count it the greatest of all blessings — a window never finally blacked out , a light never finally extinguished .
5 At only 18 , Dundas will be seeing things through young and excited eyes and I wish him the best .
6 I was interested to hear the Hon. Gentleman raise the subject of the scanner proposal , and I wish it the best of success .
7 His name was Edward Greenwood , and as they all sat down , he said , ‘ I 've heard all about you from Helen and I wish you the best of luck .
8 No she bought a second lo a second twenty lot of twenty and I give her the first lot back probably .
9 And I give him the whole book what lists names and numbers and what not .
10 And er I so so I brought her and her three friends that she 'd run , chummed about with them and I give them a good talking to for about an hour .
11 ‘ The Medjay captain asked me that too , and I give you the same answer : how would an escaped convict find his way into the compound ?
12 The penis stirs close to me , and I give it a wet nose .
13 Then I , for a few minutes , we 've got only fifteen minutes so , about twelve to fifteen minutes , and I explain them the historical aspects .
14 She was a hard worker , and I call myself a hard worker and I know that some days I push myself too hard and my mother 's done that all her life .
15 It seems to have a mind of its own , and I call it The Great One .
16 And I send her a red rose with the same message .
17 Micky Danby is a pratt and I owe him a few scores meself . ’
18 He was captured , and you know what the French do .
19 If your child takes a peculiar liking to washing up , and you give it a sweet every time , it will start to get suspicious and realise that washing up actually is n't as much fun as it thought .
20 So you add them together and you give it the same sign .
21 The sun flames orange and pink behind the trees above the house , the breeze is cool rather than cold , scented with flowers and the sea , and you think what a pleasant if rather bland place this would be to settle down .
22 ‘ Does it still happen to you , John , that you look back at yourself as you were six months ago and you think what an ignorant , innocent goose you were !
23 ‘ I 'll have them every other week and you have them every other weekend . ’
24 and you see them a three weeks later and they say hello Tony and you think hello , who the hell are you ? .
25 And you call me a bad driver . ’
26 We are inundated with relatives we encourage it and we make it a special time .
27 Joan Daniels has now been appointed Honorary Treasurer of the Medau Society and we wish her the best of luck in balancing the books — figuratively speaking !
28 And we wish you a safe journey home .
29 And we know what the Iraqi government would like , which is the release of their money frozen here since the Gulf war .
30 It is fine for many of us , given the privileged lives that we lead ; it is hell for many of our citizens and we owe them a great deal more urgency than is provided by this useful but inadequate measure .
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