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1 The Secretary of State for Scotland will recall that , when my colleagues and I met him and the Secretary of State for the Environment during the consultation period on local government funding , we argued our case on local income tax and pursued the issue of costing .
2 Erm that we had no alternative to do what we did er that C I D officers would speak to him and I believe that he would better understand er wh why we have done what we did er and I assured him that the damage to his door will would be repaired .
3 I walked back from the Meeting with Quintin who knew by then that he was Macmillan 's selection , and I told him that the idea had my support .
4 dropped Asdir off and she drove away and I saw her and the four children go , along to the house
5 I recently met the Japanese Keidanren when they visited this country , and I reassured them that the Government continue to welcome and support Japanese investment in this country .
6 I met the key officials from the Department of the Environment earlier this week and who told me that the Government is preparing to circulate a consultation paper on the National Sustainability Plan in mid June .
7 There was the man who had trained his dog to bite Arabs , and who informed us that a dog always knows an Arab by his stink .
8 Joe had several long conversations with Maureen and she told him that the war had brought happiness to her and Chris .
9 Ive checked with my other half and she assured me that the info she passed on was from Sky and not made up !
10 We had booked up for the ordinary ship and , and rail you know , to go over by ship and rail but er during the months awaiting the , I think we were going in July and er we had booked up maybe about April , but they had put these planes on and Polytechnic wrote to us and said , if we paid two pounds ten extra , we could go by air and we did it and the full tour for a week in Paris , going by air , was twelve pounds ten .
11 ‘ I have to find the money myself and they told me that the wackier the ideas , the better the response so I am hoping that my ideas come off . ’
12 That was Henry VIII and he wrote it because the King 's daughter , Princess Elizabeth , was getting married .
13 My father had been apprenticed to Mr. Cooper and he told me that the trucks had been made when trade was slack .
14 For instance , we were talking about the cinema , and he told me that the average Hollywood film reaches a larger public than the Holy Scriptures .
15 Joe met a man he had sailed with , and he told him that a ship had already been sunk by a submarine .
16 Well I had Mrs in this morning she had a tooth out this morning and he broke it and he tried to get the rest out you know using a special instrument and he twisted it and a fragment of the tooth come off and hit me straight in the eye .
17 We told Jean Paul that the cut-off jeans held together with masking tape and ground-in dirt were a bit trop , and he assured us that the too-small cycling caps would look genuinely ridiculous when they were made up .
18 And he reported it and the put on a double watch that night .
19 Once , years before , she 'd visited her friend Julie in a psychiatric unit and it struck her that a lot of the people wanted to be there .
20 And now he was passing a second and more dilapidated pillbox and it struck him that the whole headland had the desolate look of an old battlefield , the corpses long since carted away but the air vibrating still with the gunfire of long-lost battles , while the power station loomed over it like a grandiose modern monument to the unknown dead .
21 So Mr talked in the debate about internal reorganisation about continuing to provide services for which there is an over provision and it berated me and the Labour group for that .
22 This was a parting gift but I dropped mine and the bloody dogs were on it in a flash , whilst Benjamin , kind as ever , gave his to the page who served us .
23 She was beginning to feel hunted , but something told her that the only defence against a man like Luke was attack .
24 Akinwande 's manager , Mickey Duff , offered Schulz 's handlers £75,000 to come to London but they rejected it and the rematch is destined to go to the highest bidder .
25 He was offered a knighthood in 1847 when Queen Victoria visited Cambridge , but he declined it and the honour which came to him was accompanied by little emolument .
26 It belonged to my grandfather , but he lost it when the Creditanstalt crashed in the twenties .
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