Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [Wh det] be [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The ultimate sanction and one which is most commonly applied is for the mortgagee to sell .
2 Salmonella is one of the most widely talked of hazards , and one which is most certainly on the increase : between 1983 and 1988 , the number of reports by British laboratories of salmonella infection more than doubled .
3 For the hazard he now claims to recognise is essentially that which several of us have been patiently trying to explain to psychiatrists and others for the past twelve years or so and one which is now officially acknowledged in several overseas countries .
4 In this way a project which would have been profitable evolves into something much more fancy — and more fun — but something which is no longer profitable .
5 If we think about the basic body plan of a phylum , it can often be seen as a solution to an engineering design problem facing an ancestor , but one which is no longer relevant to most living descendants .
6 A far less common problem but one which is much more dramatic is if you put your weight too far forward .
7 In The Masculine Dilemma ( 1980 ) , subtitled ‘ A Psychology of Masculinity ’ , Gregory Rochlin offers a different version of the homosexual male , but one which is once again in the service of defending an updated heterosexual masculinity , and its primacy within a sexual difference metaphysic .
8 However , not all change of state verbs can be expected to occur with adverbal adjectives even then ; for instance , murder and burn do indeed produce a change of state that can be described by an adjective but one which is so intimately linked to the nature of the verb and so banally obvious that the adjective describing the object is otiose .
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