Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [was/were] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Then says Mr. Daniel , ‘ Yes , but that is a future consideration and a future consideration , if nothing were done under it or nothing was proved to be done , would fail . ’
2 There are numerous records of actions being taken against plays which were considered slanderous to nobles or which were perceived to be in political opposition to government policy , such as Middleton 's cause célèbre , A Game of Chess , which opposed James 's accommodating attitude towards Spain and attracted the protest of the Spanish ambassador .
3 Before it left , the UN mission compiled information on 1,100 people who had been detained , were alleged to have been detained or who were said to be missing , back to 1977 .
4 In hospital they told me they were going to do a routine examination and that it was going to be a twist in the scrotum or it was going to be a tumour ; and it might be benign or it might be malignant .
5 I had so far managed to avoid being kissed by the old bat , but I had the strong feeling that , by the end of the day , she and I were going to be getting physical .
6 The satisfaction with which the new prayer book was received and used quickly resulted in a request that the Burmese hymn book should be revised and enlarged , and I was asked to be the editor and secretary of the small revision committee .
7 Anyway this boy and I was judged to be the most original and the best you see .
8 Fun Fortnight had claimed another victim and I was forced to be game for a laugh and work in a joke shop .
9 Fun Fortnight had claimed another victim and I was forced to be game for a laugh and work in a joke shop .
10 and I was meant to be taking it in today , but I forgot and so I just
11 And I was sponsored to be bored to death by a friend , who talked to me non-stop for three hours . ’
12 All schools could identify additional resources , ( for instance , computers , a music laboratory , enhanced INSET , staff ) that had been purchased and which were perceived to be available entirely as a result of devolution .
13 This term was reserved for the rural dialects , which had been legitimized by nineteenth-century investigations , and which were believed to be ‘ genuine ’ in a way that urban dialects are not .
14 The decisions , tantamount to a significant downgrading of COMECON ( as also indicated by a sharp staff reduction at the Moscow secretariat ) , and which were expected to be approved at a future summit meeting , were the outcome of an undertaking made at the summit meeting in January [ see p. 37202 ] to review existing COMECON arrangements to allow for the wider operation of market principles .
15 From August onwards the newspapers were over-flowing with the exploits of the various gangs in London : the ‘ Lion Boys ’ from the Lion and Lamb in Clerkenwell ; the so-called ‘ Clerkenwell ‘ pistol Gang' ’ ’ ; the ‘ Girdle Gang ’ which took its name from Thomas , alias ‘ Tuxy ’ , Girdle ; the ‘ Somers Town Gang ’ who were said to be the pests of Euston Road and Gower Street ; the ‘ Pinus Gang ’ who infested Leather Lane and Clerkenwell ; the ‘ Drury Lane Boys ’ ; the notorious ‘ Waterloo Road Gang ’ ; the ‘ Pickett Gang ’ ; , ‘ McNab 's ’ ; the ‘ Rest Gang ’ ; the ‘ Fulham Boys ’ ; the ‘ Chelsea Boys ’ ; the ‘ Velvet Cap Gang ’ ; the ‘ Plaid-Cap Brigade ’ from Poplar ; the gangs who romped around King Street and Great Church Lane in Hammersmith and who were said to be ‘ not ‘ Hooligans ’ ’ but worse' ; and many others , including a band of youngsters who had adopted the dare-devil title of the ‘ Dick Turpin Gang ’ .
16 Table VI summarises the number of subjects in each subgroup who were accepted for respite and day sitting services and who were found to be eligible for the mobility and attendance allowances before and after the interview .
17 Macnab went on holiday to Berlin with a letter from Joyce to Christian Bauer , a contact whom they had made in London and who was said to be on good terms with Goebbels .
18 On Oct. 29 , however , Kim declared that he would not enter the contest , leading to speculation that he had bowed to pressure from Roh , whose administration had worked closely with Daewoo and who was known to be concerned that Kim 's intervention could split the conservative vote and thereby allow Kim Dae Jung to win the election .
19 It mentioned that he lived with his mother , Lady Ursula Berowne , and his second wife in one of the few extant houses built by Sir John Soane and that he had one child by his first marriage , 24-year-old Sarah Berowne , who was active in left-wing politics and who was thought to be estranged from her father .
20 Yet , while the pregnancy might have been unplanned and she was destined to be a single parent , termination had never once been considered .
21 Still … those recent moments along the track had been wonderful — while they 'd lasted — and she was learning to be thankful for small moments of joy .
22 This was her wedding night and she was going to be sleeping alone .
23 She also did a lucrative sideline in stolen goods and peddled information to the Dublin underworld , and she was reputed to be one of the most powerful and certainly one of the richest women in Dublin .
24 She 'd only been at school 2 months and she was found to be blind .
25 Over 1500 teeth were examined from pellet samples of adult birds from South Africa , Kenya and England , and none were found to be either digested or broken .
26 It would be too bad if the Panzers overran our positions and we were found to be in our stocking feet .
27 We were clear , and we were going to be rich .
28 Two were carrying on at a polytechnic , and one was training to be a teacher at a college of Higher Education .
29 There were other alleged cases when guards were playing scrabble instead of going on patrol and one was said to be unfit for work through drink .
30 The engine has been on an electronic diagnosis machine ( like a Sun tester ) and everything was shown to be set just about right .
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