Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [pron] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably there was a lot of sycophantic non sense around her too.Thus when she made a blood donation , the director of the clinic declared that the room would remain a shrine for her and everyone who now had a transfusion would insist that it was her divine blood that flowed and miraculously and potently into his veins .
2 Yeah I was thinking of the lights and them we hardly use the lights .
3 In the sixteen years since , it has sold 75,000 copies , and people are still finding it helpful , and I myself often take a chapter for meditation , when my own spirit feels low and dry .
4 Certainly it was she , rather than her husband , whom scholars praised for such discernment , and she who apparently took a personal interest in the literary side of her son 's education .
5 Regarding the social differentiation between the sexes , this conceptual schematization can result ( and I stress that this is just one possibility , and one which admirably serves the needs of patriarchy ) in women being perceived as closer to nature in consequence of the biological facts of childbirth and menstruation ( or rather , a particular cultural interpretation thereof ) , whilst men , who are deemed to lack such a cycle of visible creativity ( and who have other aspects of their own equally natural physiology denied ) , are placed within the realm of culture , manipulating their own social and political existence , and transcending the passive forces of nature .
6 It was the gateway to life and one she suddenly had no wish to pass through , one she felt a gripping fear of passing through .
7 Bunny was riding a smaller Younger animal , as black as her own hair , and one who evidently found the scent of the morning too exhilarating .
8 Beyond the Seventies pastiche which swamped last season 's collections , there is a strong appetite for simplicity and something which perhaps evokes an emphasis on inner beauty .
9 And they they even had a gun in with them and if they did n't go by the third shot They fired in the air you see .
10 But nobody who regularly uses the motorway can say they have n't been warned about the dangers of driver fatigue .
11 Thus the London weavers , an economically depressed group , but one which nevertheless contained a high preponderance of Nonconformists , rallied behind the Whig government at the time of the Sacheverell affair and helped the trained bands suppress High Church crowds in the City .
12 If we speak of control , we are speaking of empowerment , a now much abused word , but one which still conveys the sense of movement from situations of experienced powerlessness , both individual and collective , to one where people acquire some measure of determination in the course of events and policies .
13 This is coming from a 34-year-old goat-mad , nut — but one who also understands the needs and wants of goats , as I have been keeping goats since I was 16 years old .
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